Coming Home p.1

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Smokescreen POV [I just love this boi, no judging please!]

I felt really bad for that kid...she really has been through hell.

"O.P, we can't give her to an orphanage now. They think she is dead....which she is actually not!" Jack states as he reads about this girls history.

We really couldn't do anything about that can we?

Bulkhead walks around, then spew out an random idea "How about we just, I don't know?...keep her as our own?"

Now this - as good as it was - made Optimus stop walking back and forth rapidly.Finaly giving Arcce and Magnus a break after trying to make him stop for so long. Yes, O.P was that worried over this child!

"For once..." O.P makes his way to the computer, typing away "...that idea of yours makes sense."

Bulkhead felt proud about his idea - and that Optimus approved it as well as stop running around worryingly - before he realized that today was Saturday....He FoRgOt AbOuT mIkO!!!

"AlrightIgottagogetsomethingrealquicksoI'llseeyouguyslaterSEEYA!" And like that he was in his alt and through the ground bridge to Jasper.

Arcce laughs lightly "About time he realized, it's too quiet here..."

"Yeah.." I look at Optimus, he looked very determined by the way, who typing away "...What you doing O.P?"

"Researching before giving her to you."

Now, I had to blink my eyes in confusion and shock.I was sure I was not the only one, even Ultra Magus was jaw open and wide optic by Optimus decision. This was big.

"You haven't been on Earth for long, but I feel..." O.P turns to me, giving me a generous genuine smile, before looking at everyone else "....That you should have this one as your charge-."

"But he is reckless!Optimus Prime I can take better care for her like anyone in this-!"

O.P stops Ultra Magus by walking over to me, a servo on my shoulderplate, before looking at Magus "Yes, I know you are responsible Ultra Magus...But sometimes the young ones should be able to do the this we do for our charges, our humans.." He then looks at me, and I felt proud, then continues "...And it is Smokescreens time to shine as well, like all of us."

"I will do my best Optimus, I swear it."

O.P nods in agreement "I know you will Smokescreen, I know."

Steve POV

God dammit, we couldn't even hold a single Autobot down.What kind of Decepticon soilders are we if we couldn't take down an Autobot! What makes it worse?They have her.THEY. HAVE. HER!

"This is my fault..." Breakdown - who was sitting down a few feet from his sparkmate, Knockout - held a ice pack on his right optic, he looked extremely guilty "...I should of have been paying attention to our surroundings, and I didn't-."

"It's actually my fault Breakdown, not yours."

"But it was, I was right there, it was my fault-!"

I got up and slam my servo on the table next to him, making him shut up, before I could speak my own mind "It's mine. MY fault, not yours, M I N E! I knew you were going to forget about it cause you had two people with you that seek your attention....And I was there with my friends and we didn't even remember to keep an eye out for them, but we took notice right as that scout made a bold move.We were drunk like you, and yet we didn't help that much like we wanted to, like I WANTED too...and she got taken away from you two..." I look at my servos, clutching them tightly, before looking back up at Breakdown, sparkbroken "...So it's my fault, not yours or Knockouts, mine.."

"Glade to know who is truly in the faults.." Dreadwing, who came out and  inspected the two mechs, before looking at Knockout "...How long will he be out?"

"I am not a doctor, but probably for 5 hours maybe?Maybe less?"

Dreadwing nods, pulling out a data pad, then show both mechs the map with two coordinates on it....

"It's them!How did you even-?!"

"They are Autobots, their insignia exposes them tremendously. And they are not that far from us either.." He takes it up, fixing his blaster "...I should be able to bring her back in one piece-."

"You will be out numbered..." Breakdown states worryingly "....There are two of them!"

Dreadwings lets out a amused chuckle "Who said I was going alone?"

Little Innocence, One Big Heart [Decepticons x child!reader!]Where stories live. Discover now