Mind Of Its Own

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So guys.....I got grounded from my phone BUUUTTTT I can write all my wattpad stories on my computer- since everything for our own education is on there now - so it will be slow.

P.s, they don't know ur gone yet.I will get there soon!



....this bed feels...wierd?Why is it so bouncy and smell like dust-?

"I don't know what those wretched Decepticons do to her, but her legs are fix rather magical."

"It seems so, Miko, what did you see over there?"

"Wellllll, you may not believe me but..." a long pause before the voice continues "...they actually seemed to care for the girl, heck, she had her own house and own game set!"

A click noise was heard from behind me, then another voice spoke "Miko did they brainwash you?Last time I been there was Bee was being mind controlled by Megatron and almost failed at rescuing him-."

"Listen you guys sent me, I got her, and I am telling you guys what I saw there.....I even saw her hanging out and having fun with some members of the Decepticons.."

A hum was then heard as I felt a blanket being put over me, keeping me warm "They must be brainwashing her, trying to pry themselves deeper into her mind, earning more of her trust then trusting us.That's plain on cruel."

"And it indeed is jack, but she will be safe here.With us."

"But what if she plans to leave-??"

"She won't be able to, there is no way out unless one of us leaves this place.She'll be fine."

"If you say so Arcce, if ya saw so.."

No....why am I here?Where am I??Who are these guys???I don't wanna stay here-!

"It's time for us to go, come on, let's go Raf,Miko."

"Bulkheeeeaaadddd!Let me stayyyyyy!~"

"Nope.Time to go home Miko."


"Jack you coming?"

Again, you heard footsteps come closer to you.Then you felt the blanket being tucked in for you once more before they - whoever this was - pulled some hair back behind your ear "Now I'm coming."

Then the fimialer sounds of transforming was heard, metal against metal, and then a loud THUNK and CLANK was heard before the roaring engines was heard as they all disappeared into the unknown.It then became quiet.

"...Optimus, I have something to tell you.."

A few loud steps were heard "And that is-MH!"

I didn't know what was happening, but I waited there awkwardly as this went on for 5 minutes straight.Then I heard the two gasping for air, I thought these guys don't require air?Just humans.

"..I like you...alot.."

A deep chuckle then was heard "..I like you too." Before the sound of metal feet leaves the room.

Now you were alone, time to escape.

Getting up I see - well the first thing I see - was that I was placed on a couch and a blanket was placed over me.....my blanket from my bedroom.

"You need to keep moving, they might come back."

"But they said-?"

"Yes they did but some of them may come and check on you....do you see that elevator?"

Little Innocence, One Big Heart [Decepticons x child!reader!]Where stories live. Discover now