Down hill p.1

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Dreadwing had (Y/N), to take a nap and all, but the thing is...she never slept.Dreadwing kept an eye on her and sees that her smile, her cute childlike smile, was nothing but a blank emotionless frown.Her posture was surrounded by a sad but blunt form and aura...This is not the (Y/N) he remembers, something is terribly wrong. Soon enough Dreadwings doors open and in comes Voidlight, Soundwave, and Predaking.They all looked worried but they seem to calm down once their optics spots the hollow puppet of (Y/N), not noticing what is wrong at all.

"(Y/N)!.." Predaking makes his way over, ready to hug his human sparkling in his holoform "...Are you alright sweetspark-?!"

"Something is wrong with her."

Voidlight raise a brow, confuse "She looks alive enough so what do you mean you over grown batman?"

Dreadwing groans not likeing the nickname, but stays on topic "I brung her into my birthroom to recharge..." He looks back at your small form, seeing you not moving a muscle "...but she isn't acting like herself, no, she acts just like a puppet.A soulless puppet."

":::May I approach?:::"

Dreadwing looks at Soundwave, sighing loudly "...Go ahead, she isn't running off anywhere."

Soundwave nods, making his way pass everyone, and kneels down to meet your blank dull (E/C) eyes.This was something Soundwave found rather concerning, he has seen you act so happy and innocent, your eyes showed it all...But your eyes are now blank, empty, and just like Dreadwing said you were just like a soulless puppet.He saw nothing of the (Y/N) he grown little to know of, this was a new person, and he didn't like it.Not at all.

":::...Something is wrong.." Soundwave didn't loose contact with your eyes, he was looking straight at them through his visor "....may I take her?:::"

Dreadwing nods "Yeah, go ahead." Before actually plucking her up by her shirt and into Soundwaves servos, you didn't show anything, no emotion or reaction, you were just so dead on silent as this happened.

Now everyone in the room was very concerned for you, this wasn't their little ball of energy anymore, where did the girl they knew go?

"Hey Flatscreen, where would Megnut be at right now?"

Soundwave stops for a second, then answers ":::His birthroom, why are you asking-?:::"

"I'm going to extend my days here for awhile..." Voidlight walks out, glancing at everyone one more time "...that fragging child amuse me, I would like to know her better hm?" then leaves.

Predaking took this chance to look over his sparkling.His sire instincts were kicking in once he saw her blank face, blank as a porliclian doll.No emotion he adores from his sparkling was there no more, it was all gone.His sparkling was nothing but a hollow shell now...were has time gone now?

":::Predaking, I must leave.I will inform you of the results of this problem-.:::"

"I'm not leaving her..." Predaking's optics darken, making his way to the door "....I am coming with you, even if you like it or not, I'm coming with you."

Soundwave knew Predaking was worried for you, so he did the choice of him to come.Dreadwing stayed back though, he still needs to rest after that wretched spider caused, so he was birth bound.

"So, where are you taking her-?"

":::To Shockwave..." Soundwave turns to seem like he was glancing at Predaking through his visor, right before he speed up in his walking pace "....its the only option I could think of at the moment..:::"

Knockout POV

Dame, my stomach hurts.Holy scrap this hurts.I will never mistaken how strong femmes really are, this feels like your insides are killing themselves.Holy mother of the all spark this fragging hurts!

"Woah Knockout, you alright?!" Breakdown comes in, energon in his servos, now seeing my hutch form.

I couldn't form a word, was too much.It hasn't even been 2 weeks and the sparklings are already causing ruckus, kicking like if it was the end of the world.Heck, my stomach still remains the same!Nothing has even changed!What the pit mech!

"Knockout take some deep breaths..." Breakdown managed to pick him up and carry him to his birth, laying him there "....and calm down, the pain will subside."

"I-I never want to..." it was hard to form words, the pain was unbearable "....have i-i-incorse and have THIS happen a-agAIN!"

Breakdowns laughs nervously, cold sweat on his helm "...I love you?"

Ha, cute.I got a cute idiot.Lucky me.

"I-I love you too Breakdo-.."

Breakdown tilts his helm, confuse at why I stop talking.


"Yeah?What's up love-?"

"My energon broke."

And like lightning Breakdown pick him up and ran to Shockwaves lab.He was the only mech who could do this, even if he never did it before, Breakdown was sure to hell he will make sure Shockwave helps him.

This was some serious stuff, no jokes or pranks, oh boy, this was real.Knockout was in labor, and Breakdown was going to become a sire.

Starscream POV

I'm back.Finally.I can go and relax-!

"STARSCREAM MOVE YOUR AFT OUTTA THE WAY OKAY?ALRIGHT THANKSSS!"Breakdown zooms past him, holding Knockout in his arms as he did so, running like a mad mech.

I groan, fixing myself up "Jeeze, thanks for not saying a slight 'hello!' to me-.."


I avert my optics down, seeing I stepped in a puddle of energon under his ped.Ew.

"Now who would make a mess like-?.." Then it clicked.

And soon I find myself running over after them. Following the puddles all the way to Shockwaves lab, Knockout was in labor.He was going to have his sparkling.This was really happening.Oh boy...

But like did Starscream know was that he got the attention of a dark lord on his tail, and he knew nothing of whats going on.Yeah, this is going to be one hell of a massive ride.For everyone on the ship, massive game changer.

I wonder who is going to survive the punishment that is to come?~

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