Voiceless Connections p.2

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You may not know this but, while being in your weird unexplainable dream, all the cons were freaking out. Like, they never expected this. Not from you at least.

Shockwave observed the small sample of your blood, it was normal color human blood, but when he did an full system analysis check.He found traces of - not just 30% of pure energon - but 15% dark energon within it as well...how in the world are you even alive?!This stuff should have killed you!

":::Vitals are stabilizing.:::"

Shockwave looks at Soundwave, seeing that he was telling the truth.Somehow, just somehow, you go from the black brick of death and now...Now you were miraculously stable and breathing normally.What in unicrons name is going on here?!?!??

"Is it the energon in her blood causing this?" Predaking - in holoform - plays with your hair to sooth him from breaking down.

Shockwave though about it - remembering all the things before this happen - and nod "It may be so.In my research I found that she holds Dark energon and pure energon, it must be a side effect that-."

Dreadwing optics widen - along with Megatron and Starscream - before screaming "DARK ENERGON?!?!"

":::A human body can not survive one nor two energon fuilds for it kills them off immediately in 2 hours tops...but she is still alive strangely.:::"

Shockwave nods, continuing were he was cut off "....she may have been downloaded with abilities out of our reach.Which seems to be teleportation..." Shockwave points at Megatron's body "... and a massive amount of healing properties."

Megatron sighs, walking out of the room "...Shockwave, Soundwave, take her to her abdomen..let her rest."

Both of the cons stopped, took out the needles, and indeed put you to bed in their holoforms.But before they left Soundwave placed a cold wet rag on your forhead, something that would at least break your fever for a little while.

Predaking - after everyone left - got in his holoform and watched over you "...Please wake up soon." before he kissed you gentle on the cheek and left when he heard his name being called.

Starscreams POV

I felt bad for the human but at the same time, I was shell shocked. This entire time she had energon AND dark energon flowing through her very veins! I thought she was just human, like all the others, but the results?It showed otherwise.

"Babe, breath...she is going to be fine, we are going to be fine-."

"Breakdown, I love you very much, but I can't walk up to the Megatron and say 'So I got some news for you sir!I am a mech who is-!"

I popped my helm around the corner, a suspicious glare aiming at two mechs "A mech who is what Knockout?"

Both mechs jump up, startled, before glarring daggers at me "STARSCREAM!!How long have you been standing there-?!"

"Long enough to know your hiding a secret..." I walk towards them, a few feet away, eyeing them both "...especially away from Lord Megatron."

"....I guess we need to spill the beans early Knocks.."

Knockout - who turns to his sparkmate shock - whines "But Breakdown!It's still too early-!"

"If you don't tell him now..." Breakdown grabs Knockout servos, looking straight into his optics "...we will have no future, and may never see (Y/N) again."

Knockout stares at Breakdown, making sure this is not a playful lie of his but see it was not, took a deep sigh.Breakdown hugs him as Knockout rubs his stomach.Gently.

"Starscream, I'm pregnant."

Little Innocence, One Big Heart [Decepticons x child!reader!]Where stories live. Discover now