Sparks Fly....Literally.

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(Y/N) was watching in horror as Dreadwing, her friend, was being tortured with strange devices.She watch Dreadwing scream in pain and agony, cursing words in his own tongue, and yells endless threats at the scary woman.But did she listen?No.She instead increase her torture techniques to the point (Y/N) watch with a bucket load of tears that only watch and hear her own friend scream for help.Asking for mercy.Begging.But it never stopped, she kept on going.

A little (H/C) girl in a white and blue dress was on a swing, alone and away from the other orphans.That girl was the outcast, the little black sheep of the orphanage.But did anyone care?No.But did she care for them?Yes, yes she did.

Suddenly the (H/C) girl was pushed off the swing from behind, her own little body hitting the ground, as laughter was heard above her.

"Ew!The weirdo is looking at me!" No, no she wasn't.

A little boy yanks her onto her own feet, a cry of pain for he held onto her hair, and grins evily "Oh?How about we make some fun out of her then?~"

"N-No!.." The poor girl claws at the boys hand, trying to free herself "...I-I wasn't looking at her!I s-s-swear!"

"I s-s-swear!HAHAHA! Stop crying you fat pig, or else you will cause us to get into trouble!~" Another girl chants, looking like the mad hatter "But waite?Everyone hates you.Your a freak that shouldn't have even been born!HAHAHA!~"

"(Y/N) breath dear, breath.."

How could you breath?You felt like you don't know how to breath at all anymore, you now just feel so....bleak. But even in this situation, you still feel terrified.

The group of kids made the (H/C) girl strip from her dress, the one her used-to-be-adopted family got her, and once they held it with their grasp.They tear it apart.Just like a wild pack of animals, just like wolves.

"N-No!I need tha-!" But did she finish?No.She was punched in the stomach by one of the boys in the group.

He then began to beat her with a stick.The girls crying increased as the others threw rocks, mud, pebbles, anything they could reach and used against the poor girl.





But as loud as this was - the beating, the screaming child - why is no one hearing the girls little pained shrills of pain.Where is her MERCY?

I couldn't watch no more. I can't let this happen again, not to Dready. Why can't I move?!COME ON MOVE!!!

The scary woman stops, then glance your way evily, her optics held only bloodlust "Your turn little pest!~"

"N-NO!.." Dreadwing looks so pained and weak, but he still was fighting back, trying to save you "..Don't you dare touch he-AAGGHH!"

The scary woman zaps him with a energon zapper, making him squirm in pure agony.

"Now, you made me very eager to hurt her now Dready!~"

I don't know why, but when I saw that happen just now, my hands suddenly cold while my body feels hot....what am I feeling?Is this fear??

"Come on in!Lunch timmmeee!" One of the nuns of the orphanage came out ringing a bell.

The kids - excluding the poor beaten and bruised girl - left her.Leaving her to defend herself.And now, she was in deep trouble.The nuns saw her, and instead of helping her or asking questions about what happened to her, they all shout cursing insults at the poor thing and left her there like if she was nothing but a hollow corpse.

But did the girl let herself die?No.She crawled to a tree, climbing it, and chose to sleep there for the rest of the day.She was lucky she held a river and clothing - (F/C) hoodie, pants, and boots - before sleeping.

But on that same day, staying outside, have saved her life.




The building she was sent to, that orphaned, was sent on fire.But did she help?No.Did she watch it happen with a smile on her face?Yes, yes she did. She thanks whoever did this. For they never showed her mercy...until she met Knockout later on.


The scary woman had managed to grab you, and since you weren't moving, was able to take you over to Dreadwing.For his own optics held pity and sadness for you.

".....let me go.."

The scary woman grins before grabbing a zapper, holding it a mere inch away from you "And what if I don't?What you gonna do, fight me?~"

Little did she now, the girl she held was going to make her regret touching her.You felt at peace, but there are times when peace equals destruction. And you were going to cause something big.

As the girl watch all those innocent mean lives be lost to the fire, there is one thing she never known yet...

The woman laughs, turning on her energon weapon "This is going to be fun-!"

Suddenly the lights began to flicker, her weapon in her servo was destroyed, and the girl?The girl disappeared.No trace left behind.None at all.

"What the all sp-?!"

"YoU rEaLly ShOuLdN't HaVe HuRt My FrIeNd LaDy.." A blure of green - like lightning almost mistaken as sparks of electricity - zoom around the room, speed increasing 69% "...NoW i CaN't AlLoW yOu To HaVe AnY mErCy EiThEr!"

Suddenly the locks that binds Dreadwing were undone, setting him free, but the scary lady. She was utter confuse but petrified.Good for you!~

Dreadwing got out, knocked down the scary lady, and now was looking for you. This just made it way easier for you.

"(Y/N)?!Is that you??!?"

You didn't let him see you, not now, but you somehow managed to make a portal under him and the scary lady.As you watch them go, you only felt extremely amounts of hatred inside you, it burns.

"(Y/N)....Where did you just send them to?"

You smirk evily, something that felt so good to do, before jumping into a portal yourself, your normal voice was back "..Well mom, I send them directly to Megatrons clutches of death!~"

...and that one thing she never knew was that she was the main spark of it all this whole time.

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