Down hill p.2

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Megatron POV

He needs a break.From work.So he was on his way to birthroom....He barely even got there when Starscream came running pass him quickly.When did Starscream get back?Why is he running??Why didn't he stop and notice my presence before proceeding???


"...Energon?.." His optics trail to a few more, each a far distance from one and another "....Who energon is this??"

Then Starscream came in his thoughts, he was running, could this be him?No.This is too much, he would be offline by blood loss.

Megatron groan, taking long stride, following the puddles "This better be something I won't regret.."

But as soon as he said that, when he finally entered Shockwave lab to continue to follow the trail, he sees Breakdown holding Knockout hand as he cried out in pain as Shockwave was set between his legs in a - what humans call it - a football position. And Starscream?He had a nurse mask on while giving a few pain killer shots injected into Knockouts neckcord.Stabilizing his wails of pain while Breakdown is trying not to cry over his servo being crushed into a tin can.




"I would like an explanation.Now."

Soundwave POV

She really isn't acting like herself.I'm rather worried for her well being.Ah!Shockwaves lab!He may figure out what's wrong with her-.

"Stop!.." Predaking stops me by grabbing my shoulderplate, sniffing the air deeply before letting me go "....I smell alot of spilt energon in that lab, something is wrong-."

"AND WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME ABOUT THIS?!KEEPING SUCH SECRETS FROM ME WILL CAUSE YOU TO BE OFFLINE!!!" This voice was obviously Megatron, and he sounds pissed off.

"W-WE WERE AFRAID OF WHAT YOU WOULD SAY!!WE NEVER EXPECTED THIS TO EVER HAPPEN!!" By this voice, it was clear it was Breakdown.

":::We should probably go in..:::"

Predaking sends me a stern look, then nods "Fine.After you."

Walking inside we see something that I never suspected to see at all.And that was Shockwave in between Knockout's legs - in a birth delivery position - as Breakdown is held in the grasp of a overly mad Megatron, in a choke hold levating off the ground to the point his toes are almost of the ground.

"Lord Megatron this is not the time to cause a fight-!"


":::Something is wrong with (Y/N), but it seems we may be intruding on something unknown..." I came in to only scan Knockout, and then I was shocked to see what I found "....he...Knockout is pregnant...How??:::"

Shockwave didn't seem effected by all this, he was acting normal "It is something rather illogical, but it is now happen before my own optic.So I presume it is logical now-."

"What's wrong w-with (Y/N)??" Knockout looks at her, checking her out "She looks fine to me?"

Starscream comes over, then makes a 'hm?' sound before speaking "...She looks like she could see dead people, it's kinda creepy actually.."

Megatron growls, letting Breakdown go before making long strides to me, now look down at her.She would usually look him in the optics and have grabby hands out for him.But nothing.She remains blank, soulless, broken, and...just a shell of who we see her as.A ghost within a shell.

"Knockout, Breakdown.."

Both of them snap their helms towards Megatron saying a quick sharpe "Yes Megatron?"

Megatron lets out a irritated huff in pure frustration, then spoke before leaving "Treat your sparklings well, cause one day I may require them to join the ranks."

Predaking POV

I just watched the whole thing.And both Knockout and Breakdown just got lucky.As happy as it looks I remain worried for (Y/N), what is wrong with her.

"Give her to me.." Shockwave gets up, once in a while glancing over at Knockout "'s time to test my finish project out."

Soundwave gives her to him, following him as he did so, as Shockwave put her in a small metal human sized bed.Then he pressed a button.The machine turned on, and the thing started to do a serling like sound before she was put inside, being scanned.A few seconds passed before a screen pops up infront of Shockwave, him scanning it throughly.

"....this is illogical!"

I raised a brow, consern "And how so?"

Shockwave turns, showing us all a blank page "I design this to give me status of her heritage!A little more information about her and her new abilities that came so quickly!.." He turns back to the thing, trying to think of what he did wrong "...I don't know why it is acting like this, it worked perfectly for a the 56th test subject!I got everything I needed to know-!"

":::Stop.Stressing over something so small like this is too data damaging, think of what needs to be truly stressed over right now.:::"

Shockwave takes a second, then nods "Alright.." he turns to Knockout, walking back to his position "...its time, everyone leave.Breakdown, you too."

No one said anything but listen, everybody got out and let what had to be done, be done.

-8 hours later-

The doors open, and Shockwave comes out cleaning his servos "You may come in now."

And we did.And then we saw them.Twins.One being held by Breakdown as the other is being held close to a exhausted Knockout.They both look alive but the other had darker colors and a little more gold trimming.But nothing less, they were adorable.

"What is there names?" I ask, poking the baby - the one knockout was holding - softly.

Breakdown chuckles, smiling softly " This one named Wildbreak..." and then Knockout spoke, shushing the dark colored sparkling "...and this is Blurr."

":::They are very easy to tell apart:::"

Shockwave nods, cleaning his materials "Indeed."

Starscream scans the two twins, now groaning "....I can tell they will be the death of me, I am just stating it out right now."

I chuckle "You don't even know what death means, you keep on escaping it."


And like that, everyone was happy.But they have forgotten about you, for you were trailing down further into darkness.Were will this lead you?No one knows, only time will tell.But one thing is for sure.It will be heartbreaking.

It may as well go down hill...

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