Don't Stop Me Now -Oct. 2014

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Photo of Mrs. Fletcher's house. The top right window is Benjamin's room.

Recommended song - Don't stop me now by Queen

October 2014

Benjamin turned off the alarm before it sounded and opened the curtain to display the early morning mist of Vancouver. He looked down to the street and saw Mr. Dodd's terrier heading home. Benjamin chuckled at the dog. Every night Fergie would escape his yard to explore the area and come home before Mr. Dodd realized it. He scanned his quiet neighborhood smiling.

It was so fortunate that he found the ideal location to live. The Shaughnessy neighborhood in Vancouver consisted of homes built during the Edwardian era and half of the homes were build pre and post WW2. The established community is charming with it's slower pace, old tree lined streets, heritage homes and beautiful gardens and parks.

For Benjamin his living situation was perfect. He was in his second year of university so money was tight. His friend, David from UBC, mentioned his grandma needing help around the house and how difficult it was to find the help needed so she could stay in her home.

It was her husband's childhood home and David's father had grown up in the home. Benjamin's ears perked up. He could help out, he had time after classes to mow her lawn and things of that nature.

"Well what would be awesome is for someone to live there. Remind her on medications, take her shopping, help around the house, that would be so good for her. She has her heart set on staying in her home".

Benjamin thought about it for less than a minute. "I will do it" he piped up.

"Really? Won't living with an 85 year old lady kinda cramp your style?" He asked curiously.

"What style? I wake, I study, I sleep" Benjamin laughed.

"How about you meet her?" David suggested.

That was four years ago and he has never regretted it. Doris had become one of his closest friends and was there beside his mom at his graduation ceremony.

After graduating, Benjamin began teaching at Point Grey Secondary and he knew that he had made the right decision on being a teacher. There were challenges but teaching was his life but he felt there were a lot more positives than negatives. Benjamin was content.

At 24, Benjamin felt he was on top of the world. He hadn't had a serious relationship since Amber throughout his highschool years. They went their separate ways after graduation when she moved to Toronto to attend arts school. He dated a bit in college but really he didn't feel the need to meet anyone at that time.

Any free time was divided between his Mom, his best friend Mike, Doris and his handful of friends from highschool and college.

He and Mike spent most of their spare time together, as they had since they were in grade one. They were like brothers, except without the fighting and rivalry.

Mike was social, Benjamin more reserved. Mike was adventurous, while Benjamin was cautious. They brought out the best in each other and they couldn't imagine life without the other. In highschool, Mike was scouted for the CFL and had the chance to play processional football.

Mike decided against it. He opted to stay in Vancouver and join the fire department. Two things changed his mind. His father was a fire chief and someone he admired and wanted to follow in his footsteps. The second thing influenced his life in many ways and when he sat the devasting effects of a fire and wanting to save someone he knew that it was his vocation. He never regretted it.

Mike and Benjamin spent summer weekends mountain biking on Mount Seymour or skiing in the winter In Whistler.

Mike usually had a girlfriend, though it was often a different one every couple weeks. They would often join them on their adventures or their friends from highschool but where one was the other would be close behind.

Mike gave up suggesting blind dates long ago. Benjamin simply wasn't interested. Sometimes Benjamin would wonder if there was something wrong with him that he was so disinterested in dating  but the thoughts didn't provoke him into actually making an effort to meet someone. He just couldn't be bothered. He was content with his life how it was.

Benjamin put on his sweats and hoodie and made his way downstairs. Doris was still sleeping so he was quiet as he got her breakfast prepped. He noted there was a new jam and opened the jar before closing it loosily again. He turned on the coffee maker, got her pills ready in the little saucer, got the bread out and set beside the toaster and a plate and knife beside it. This was his morning routine and he knew Doris appreciated it. He checked the time, noting he had 45 minutes for his run before he had to get ready for work.

He jogged down Beverly Crescent, passed the United Church and entered his favorite part of his morning routine- Quelchena Park. He made his way back home and quickly showered, dressed and had his breakfast with Doris.


Tyler POV

"Come on Tyler, you're going to be late", Shane, his foster brother called gently shaking him awake.

"Ok. I'm up" Tyler said opening his eyes. Shane smiled down at him. "Debbie is making pancakes. We should hurry before Jeff eats them all". They laughed. Jeff was four but could devour pancakes like they were his last meal.

"Ok buddy, let's go" Tyler said ruffling his hair.

Tyler had lived with Debbie for five years, since he was nine and he had seen a lot of kids come and go. Shane had been living with them for three years and Tyler loved the seven year old like a brother. Jeff had moved there a year ago and Simon was 11 and just moved in a few weeks before.

Debbie was everything a mother should be and he felt fortunate to be in her care. He had been shuffled between some miserable foster homes for two years before he came to Debbie and her husband Peter's home.

They were fun but strict when it was needed. There was always a meal, conversation, hug and she never missed anything at the school when he was younger. They went on holidays, went camping and regularily bowled.

At 14, Tyler took his role of "big brother" seriously and tried to be the security for them that he had craved at their age. For Tyler, his home now was his sanctuary and he hoped he could stay until he graduated.

School, on the other hand, was a chaotic mess. He didn't have real friends. He was shy and awkward. His insecurities about his traumatic life before Debbie and Peter kept him distant from his classmates. He was filled with shame and guilt which resulted in panic attacks and no self esteem. He faked his way through with a pleasant smile and nobody suspected the misery that was his life.

The group be hung out with, Dylan, Cade and John were not his friends and he wished he had the courage to distance himself from them. They caused trouble, were obnoxious, bullied their classmates and because he was with them he was associated with them.

He learned at a young age to not speak up, to not cause a problem, to not stick up for himself and that led to his hanging out with the wrong crowd with no guts to walk away.

He had no true friends. Tyler had never gone to a friend's house and played video games, or had a sleep over, nobody to share secrets with, or talk about crushes. He was grateful to his foster family, they were awesome but sometimes he was so lonely that he would just sit and cry. Tyler knew things had to change. He just didn't know how to even begin.

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