Only The Good Die Young- July 1, 2015

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Recommended song - Only The Good Die Young by Queen

Tyler POV

They ran through the hallways until they reached the emergency room waiting area.

"Simon, please wait with Jeff and Kevin. It will be very busy in there so it would be best if they wait here." She reached in her wallet. "If they get restless take them for a walk but stick close to here. Grab them a snack. We won't be long." He nodded his head and took the boys hands and passed them his phone to play Candy Crush.

"Come on Tyler. He will want to see you." Tyler was numb and didn't know how he even managed to move. They met with the nurse who showed them where Shane was.

"The police are talking to his social worker. He is sleeping now" The nurse informed them. They walked over and the police men introduced themselves.

" I am Officer Thibault and this is Officer Nelson. I understand you are his foster mom?" Officer Thibault took out his notepad and began writing while Tyler walked over to the small lump on the bed.

Wires were attached and he was hooked up to some monitors. His arm was in a cast and his face had bruises. The damage done to Shane in the short amount of time they were together was devastating. Tears flowed down his face and he was finding it hard to control his emotions.

He sat with Shane, who's eyes were closed and held his hand. Sharon, his social worker sat beside him.

"I never saw this coming. I thought he would be safe. I've let him down and I don't know how he will ever trust me again". Tyler was surprised by her vulnerable admission.

"It has to end here. They can't see him again". Tyler said determined.

"I will do everything I can, everything within the law and if the law needs changing then we will do just that. This should never have happened but we will do everything in our power to make sure it doesn't happen again". They both nodded at each other and Tyler knew she wasn't to blame for any of it. Her hands were tied by the law and if the law needed changing then he vowed to do just that.

"How is he? What happened?" Tyler asked rubbing Shane's hands that lay in his hands.

"His parents are in police custody. They admitted to everything. I don't know what exactly happened but he has a fractured arm, he came to a little while ago and is sleeping now. The bruises are pretty bad though, not just his face but his arms and back too.

He looked at Shane, with his bruises littering his face and wires attached to him, with his pale skin and cast on his arm. As bad as it is, he knew it could have been worse.

He will help him overcome his fears, together with Debbie, Peter, Simon, Jeff and Kevin. They are his family now, that he vowed. He will protect his little buddy and he quietly promised to Shane will never have to worry about his parents coming for him. It's not going to happen.


Benjamin was numb, in shock, in so much pain he didn't know if it would ever ease. He doubted it. Mike was gone. His best friend, his brother, the brightest part in his life. Gone.

Mike had a stroke, the doctor explained. He thought the symptoms were related to the heat, or being overworked or coming down with something. Never in a million years did he expect the healthy, young, clean living 25 year old would have a stroke. The doctor told him that the symptoms are often overlooked because they could mean a wide variety of things.

Lisa, Darcy and the kids had left a few hours ago to put the kids to bed but had stayed with him all afternoon. Jeremy sent his wife and kids home earlier and was sitting with him waiting for Mike's parents to arrive from Kamloops. They were driving and wouldn't be there for a few more hours. He dreaded seeing them. Benjamin's mom would be arriving shortly.

He needed a bit of time by himself before they arrived and excused himself. Jeremy gave a weak smile and nodded, quickly returning to his own thoughts.

He walked down the hall and saw some police officers talking to some women, all with sad faces and shaking their heads. He returned to his own grief and quickly looked down. He found a corner with a few chairs and sat down. He put his hands on his face, bent over and started sobbing.

He felt some arms wrap around him and he just leaned in and welcomed the comfort. Not a word was spoken, just arms holding him.


Tyler POV

Shane woke up and immediately saw Tyler sitting beside him and he smiled weakly.

"Hey buddy" Tyler said quietly.

"Tyler." Was all Shane said before he started crying. It broke the older boys heart.

"It will be ok Shane. I promise". He reached over and comforted him.

"Please don't let them do this again." Shane pleaded.

"Sharon and I are going to make sure it doesn't. Nothing like this will ever happen again. Debbie and Peter will make sure too". Tyler said confidently.

"Where are they?" He asked looking fearful.

"They are in jail. There were two policemen here earlier and they took a lot of notes when they were talking to Debbie. They are really nice. They will come back and talk to you. I think they will help too."

"Will you be here Tyler?" Shane asked looking at him.

"Of course. Yes I will be here. I'm not leaving until we take you home. Probably tomorrow".

Shane grinned at him. "Thanks"

"Silly kid, where else would I be?" Tyler said reaching over and carefully hugging him. "You try to sleep. I'm going to find a pop machine. I will bring you back one too for when you wake up".

Shane closed his eyes and fell asleep within seconds. Tyler exhaled and fought back his tears.

As he headed down the hallway he saw a man with his head in his hands and could hear him sobbing. Tyler recognized the clothes and knew it was the man from the lake. He frowned knowing that whatever the situation was it wasn't good. He felt a presence beside him but as he turned his head he knew there was no one there. "Comfort him" it seemed to say in a voice in a voice he vaguely recognized. He stood and stared at him for a moment, compelled to go to him.

He walked over and without a second thought he wrapped his arms around him. The man leaned in and wrapped his arms around Tyler and continued to cry. They stayed like that for several minutes. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. Quite the opposite, it felt completely natural.

He heard a throat clearing and he released his arms around the man and looked up. Tyler blushed and walked away while the man continued to look down.

"Who was that Benjamin?" Jeremy asked.

"I don't know. I just felt arms around me and it felt nice" Benjamin just shrugged.

"Oh ok" Jeremy said bewildered.

"Your mom is here Benjamin. Let's go see her". And with that, the scene from a few minutes ago was forgotten. By Jeremy anyway.

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