Bicycle Race- July 22, 2018

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Photo of the seawall at Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC

Recommended song - Bicycle Race by Queen.

Saturday July 14, 2018

Tyler's POV

He had just come home with the boys from an afternoon at Science World, when he got the call. Mr. Myles name showed up on the call display and he nervously answered it.

"Hi Mr. Myles." He said.

"Tyler..." Benjamin began.


"Call me Benjamin ok?" He said quietly, almost nervously over the phone.

Tyler grinned. "Okay Benjamin".

"I am sorry about last night. I really would like to sing with you again, I enjoyed it a lot. I just thought you wouldn't want to, that's why I said that. I shouldn't have spoken for you, that was dumb. I'm really sorry". Benjamin apologized.

There was silence on the other end. Did he hang up on me? Benjamin wondered.

"Thank you for apologizing Benjamin. I would like to sing with you again too." Tyler finally said. Benjamin was relieved.

"Great. How about next Friday then? Same time?" He asked excitedly.


"Uh. Tyler. Do you want to go out with me tomorrow. I was thinking a bike ride around the sea wall and dinner after".

Tyler was thrilled. He had hoped that Benjamin had feelings for him as well, and it wasn't one sided.

"I would love that. Do you want to meet there or pick me up?"

"I will come pick you up at 2."

They had finalized their plans, both grinning like fools on the phones and happy that the other couldn't see their reactions. They were both looking forward to seeing each other the next day.


Sunday July 23, 2018

It was a beautiful sunny day in Vancouver. Not a cloud in the sky and a nice breeze to cool down the summer heat. Benjamin woke early to make Doris some breakfast. They were going to Granville Island later and wanted to get an early start. They usually went to the market for their weeks produce and bakery items and often got lunch at the fish market. It was one of their regular things that they both enjoyed.

Doris looked at him in the kitchen while he was finishing his coffee. "Something happened. What's going on?" Doris inquired. It was eerie how she could always tell with Benjamin what was going on. He didn't realize that he did not have the ability to hide emotions, Doris thought to herself.

"I have a date at 2" Benjamin said simply.

"That's great news. It's about time". She laughed. "What is her name?" She pressed him for information.

"His name is Tyler. He is going to university in the fall. He's a former student and was in the guitar club" he decided to just say everything at once and save her the time of dragging it out of him. He looked at her waiting for her reaction. She just smiled at him.

"Good Benjamin. You two should have lots to chat about then". She patted his hand and they walked outside.


Tyler's POV

Had he always been this attractive? Tyler wondered, stealing another glance at the handsome man sitting beside him in the car. He hadn't realized how fit he was, how bright his blue eyes were, the dimple beside his mouth that came to life when he smiled. He had never seen him like this but now he couldn't help but stare at him. He noticed that Benjamin was stealing glances too. He smiled.

"Are you nervous?" Benjamin asked.

"Surprisingly no. I thought I would be but I'm not. I'm glad to be here though." Tyler answered honestly.

"I'm glad I am here too. Usually this kind of thing makes me uncomfortable but..." And he turned to Tyler. "I'm never uncomfortable with you". He smiled at him.

They chatted about their summer and plans for the fall. Conversation led to their families and friends and they each contributed to the steady flow of dialogue.

Once they reached Stanley Park they had to circle a few times to find a parking spot. "We hit the busiest time of the week" Tyler commented. Once parked they unloaded their bikes from the rack.

"This will be so different". Tyler said.

"Why is that?" Benjamin stopped to look at him while he answered.

"Imagine biking along the seawall with four little brothers. Well Simon keeps up, but the other 3 get distracted so easily." Tyler smiled.

"It really sounds nice though. I was an only child and usually with my grandparents so this wasn't something I did as a kid. Don't get me wrong though, my grandparents were really fun but in a different way".

Their afternoon was spent sharing stories, laughing and enjoying the views. Small ferry taxis, sailboats, houseboats and every boat in between were either docked or sailing in the harbour. They saw whales and Canadian geese, ducks and harbour seals and Benjamin took lots of pictures. The views were amazing and they stopped often just to appreciate the scenery. They stopped for a gelato before continuing on their bikes.

They dined at a restaurant, ate flatbread pizzas and drank lemonade on the patio overlooking the water. It was a perfect day Tyler thought.

Benjamin would stop to stare at Tyler every so often and they would just smile and gaze at each other. Neither had to say how they felt, it was unspoken yet so loud.

Tyler wanted to kiss him so bad that he kept blushing everytime he thought of it. Benjamin noticed his blushing face occasionally but didn't comment, he thought Tyler was adorable.

All Tyler knew at that moment was he did not want the day to end, he wanted to spend more time with him. He had never felt this way towards anyone. Before it was just crushes, based on adrenaline and hormones.

This was real and he savored every second that he had with him. He looked at Benjamin and studied his ever readable face and knew that he felt the same. Benjamin reached his hand slowly across the table and placed it on Tyler's, their fingers intertwined and they both felt the moment. This is real they both thought.

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