Doing All Right- July 1, 2018

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Recommended song- Doing all right by Queen

Benjamin's POV

July 1, 2018

Benjamin hadn't been to Allouette Lake since the accident. That was what Benjamin called it. ""The accident". It had been three years and the most painful period in Benjamin's life.

At 28, he reavaluated his life and there were things that he needed to change. He needed to mourn and grieve Mike but he had to come to terms with it. He could not continue living in the dark shadow, it wasn't healthy and the depression was beginning to take on a terrifying hold. The past Christmas had been his breaking point.

Sadness had all consumed him and self doubt and insecurities had a powerful grip on him. For the first time in his life he had considered ending his life, just for the pain to go away. It scared him and he knew things had to change in his life.

Benjamin realized that Mike had been his crutch throughout his life and without him he was a mess. He had been so dependant on Mike for a lot of decisions that he had grown into a man without having made one solid decision without Mike's influence. He didn't want to follow someones path anymore. He wanted to be the leader, to have the confidence to travel solo, call up friends and make plans, build relationships that weren't his and Mike's friends from highschool and college.

The guitar club he started was a positive step in the right direction. He was proud that the kids worked so hard and so passionately and the little band they began just a few years before had made a name for itself on the local indie scene, often playing with "Lions Gate" among others.

In fact he had decided to do some open mic nights just himself and his guitar. Often the club kids would come watch him, he noticed that Tyler had not missed even one performance, even after graduating highschool tfhe month before he had still come to all of his open mics.

Benjamin began skiing and hiking again and although it was a little lonely the first few times he went he always ended up having a great time.

A dream of his and Mike's had been to hike the West Coast Trail and he began training in February for it and he planned to hike it alone in the week before school started.

His single life remained the same. Non existent. He was single without any prospects. It didn't bother him. He had quit online dating a few months before, dating had become hard on his ready fragile self esteem.

He had come a long way in the few months since his breaking point and was happy with his progress. The pit he had felt stuck in was just a little pothole now. Totally manageable and he could go around it.

His trip to Allouette Lake was part of his recovery. He needed some closure and he felt going to the lake, sitting there, feeling the breeze, listening to the water, breathing in the summer smell would be cleansing for his soul.

He felt an overpowering need to be there. He couldn't explain it. There was no plan to go to the lake until he woke up and he hadn't even gave it a second thought. He was going to talk to Mike at the lake. That was all he had on his mind.


Tyler's POV

"Goodmorning Tyler. You're up early". Peter said looking over the newspaper.

"Yeah I wanted an early start. The lake will be busy later so I want to get there early. I should be home around 1ish" Tyler said grabbing his car keys.

"Your mom packed you a lunch." Peter said smiling. "It's in the fridge".

Tyler's heart warmed. He hadn't even told her that he was going to the lake but she knew. Tyler had visited the lake every year on July 1st. He didn't know the man that died, but knew that he was important to Benjamin so be wanted to pay his respects to the man.

"She's awesome". Tyler smiled. "Tell her I said thanks. I will see you this afternoon. Tell the boys I will take them swimming when I get back".

"Will do. I love you son" Peter said to his eldest son.

"I love you too Dad".

Tyler cherished all of those moments. He knew how lucky he was to have been adopted into the amazing family. He knew the odds were stacked against him, but he had beat the odds.

Tyler had graduated highschool a month prior and was going to university in the fall on full academic scholarships. He never forgot his promise to help children in need and he still planned on being a lawyer. Jeff and Kevin were adopted six months after he, Shane and Simon were.

They were a happy family, something he never thought possible would be part of.

As he headed down the highway he thought of how amazing his life was. His friends were still as close as ever, even though they all had busy schedules they still met up regularily.

Becka was going to law school with him, with plans to be civil rights lawyer. Scottie and Liam had their own band and were doing well. Dean was going to New York City to intern at a publishing house, Ethan won soccer scholarships for UBC where he was going to study for his master's in science. Cassandra had plans to travel to Japan for a year. He was proud of his friends accomplishments and so glad that he had them by his side.

Once parked he grabbed the small bundle of flowers and headed to the beach. His eyes fell on a familiar figure sitting on a beach. He sighed sadly at the sight of him, he was hunched over with his head in his hands. When he heard the familiar voice say "comfort him" he knew what to do. He walked quickly to him and without a moments hesitation Tyler wrapped his arms around him.

Benjamin looked up and although surprised to see Tyler embracing him, Benjamin didn't move and just allowed young man to comfort him. He continued to cry for a few moments before he could compose himself. "It's going to be alright" Tyler reassured him, rubbing his back.

"Thank you" Benjamin said awkwardly. Tyler removed his arms and sat on the bench beside Benjamin. They didn't speak for quite a few minutes until Tyler looked at him, meeting his eyes.

"So why do you have flowers?" Benjamin asked.

Tyler felt awkward. He didn't want to lie but he wondered if be Mr. Myles would think it strange.

"They are for Mike" Tyler said quietly.

Benjamin turned quickly to face the young man. "What? What do you mean".

Tyler sighed. "I come every year. I was here that day. I'm sorry I didn't say anything to you but how could I have put that in any conversation."

Benjamin nodded. He understood.

"Tyler?" Benjamin spoke quietly, trying to catch his emotions.

"Yeah Mr. Myles?"

"Thank you for bringing him flowers and remembering him. That means so much to me. Thank you" he said.

"Doing alright?" Tyler asked quietly.

"Yeah. I'm doing alright" Benjamin said with a soft smile.

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