The Letters

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Severus Snape was running as fast as he can to wherever his feet would take him. The only thing in his mind is that he doesn't want to stop. The beating in his heart grew louder and louder than the noise of his feet running through a wooden floor. Suddenly, he tripped and looked back. His father was meters away with a whip.

"You're a worthless child. No one would love you, offer time for you and even death won't take you. You are not wanted!"

He tried to move but it seems as if his fear has paralyzed him. His father moved closer, he lift his whip and . . .

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!," Severus quickly sat up in bed. Sweat was trickling on his forehead and he was panting hard. His whole body was trembling and he was gripping hard on the sheets of his bed. He was trying hard to calm down and didn't notice that he has woken up his fellow dorm mates who was surrounding him and looked terrified.

This wasn't his first nightmare. He has experienced this almost everyday for a week since he received the news that his mother, Eileen, died. The headmaster offered to excuse him from class to visit his mother's wake but he refused. After being disowned by the Prince's due to his mother's treachery to the bloodline, he had no known relatives but his father. And the idea that he had no one but his father terrified him, since the only one who saved Severus from nearly being killed by his father was his mother. Now she's gone, he had no one in this world that will care for him. Even his best friend has left him. She refuse to forgive him after being called a "mudblood" by Severus.

He truly had no one.

A few minutes later, the door to their room opened and Horace Slughorn, Slytherin's head of house and Lucius Malfoy, a prefect, came barging in.

"Are you okay my boy?!!"

The professor held Severus' shoulders and turned to look at him. Severus was still shaking mad, his breathing was rapid and he was now in tears.

"Severus, open up."

Lucius motioned for him to drink the Calming Draught, and he did. It did little to calm him but he was relatively better than a few seconds ago.

"Okay, back to beds now, you still have classes tomorrow."

Slughorn instructed Severus' dorm mates and they all went back to their respective beds. He then took Severus' hand and tried to get him to stand.

"Mr. Snape, I'm afraid this can not continue any further, this has been the 7th time this occurred and I won't allow you to avoid seeking help. I have already contacted Madam Pomfrey and she would be waiting for you in the infirmary."

Severus' head hang low and he was trying to hold back the tears that are threatening to fall. He knew that he should do something to make it stop, he believed that with time, he'd get use to the nightmares but he never had. For worst, it just got more terrifying and more real. He had no choice but to follow his head of house to the infirmary. It'll just cause more scene if he continue to persuade him that he didn't need help.

A few minutes later he arrived at the infirmary and surely, Madam Pomfrey was there waiting for him. He felt a little guilty as it was past midnight but she seems to be accommodating him, if there's any sign of irritation of being woken up in the middle of the night, she was careful to hide it.

"I'll take it from here Professor."

"Thank you."

Slughorn look at Severus one last time and place his hands on his student's shoulder.

"You'll be alright."

With that, he walked away.

Will I ever be?

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