To whom it may concern

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Severus fell in his chair. He wasn't expecting a reply from the parchment, he thought he would simply write his emotions down but a reply was the least of what he expected.

"Are you alright mate?"

Mulciber asked upon entering the room. Severus stood up and took his parchment, pull the covers to his bed and sat. Mulciber shrugged and went to his own bed, it was late already and his dorm mate was never the speaking type. Severus contemplated if he would reply,

J: Hey! You still there?
S: Who the hell are you?!
J: Well that's rude considering you were the one who wrote to me.
S: I did not!
J: Did too! You said you hate this day, No every day.

Severus thought about what Madam Pomfrey instructed him that he would simply write down positive things on the parchment to get him into a positive mood, nothing about a pen pal.

S: Well yeah, I didn't expect someone will reply.
J: Well you're in luck, I was curious.

Severus thought, could this be Professor Slughorn or Madam Pomfrey?

S: Who are you?
J: Who are you first, or a guessing game would be nice. It's getting late so I don't want this to be boring, I could be asleep by now.
S: Then why don't you?
J: I find this interesting.

Severus leaned back to his headboard. The replies were far too energetic to be Professor Slughorn and too enthusiastic to be Madam Pomfrey, hers was more maternal enthusiastic not childish enthusiastic. But he thought it wasn't bad but he's going to take his chances.

S: Professor Slughorn?
J: WHAT?!! You're crazy! No way!!
S: Madam Pomfrey?
J: To hell with that?! What made you think I was a professor?!
S: There's a reason its called a guessing game. I'm taking my chances.
J: Look, I'm not, so try harder.

Severus had no idea who this person could be, the Headmaster? Surely something like a child with nightmares is hardly an issue to present to Dumbledore. He was running out of possible persons.

J: Before you ask for clues, I'm not giving you one.
S: Why?
J: It's more exciting that way.

James smiled to himself.

This is fun.

He was waiting patiently for a reply when suddenly the door to the common room opened.

"Mr. Potter? It's late why are you still up?"

Professor McGonagall climb down from the portrait looking visibly tired.

"Sorry Professor just thought I would write some letters."

James tried to hide the parchment. He didn't know if it something illegal so he didn't want to risk having it confiscated.

"Well finish it now, I don't want students out and about this late at night."

She walked away from him, heading to her own quarters. James wanted this exchange to continue but he already lost so many points for his house he couldn't risk it.

S: a student then?
J: Look, I really like this but it's getting late so how about let's settle with nicknames?

Severus scratch his head. Yes, it was getting late but he wanted to know who this mystery person is. But also he wasn't looking forward to sleep, fearing he might have nightmares once again.

S: Fine, what's your nickname then?

James paused for a while. He wanted the guessing game to be more exciting so he needed to pick something so common it can't be traced back to him so he looked around and saw a scarf on the table. Someone might have left it there.

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