Mirror of Erised

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Severus stared at the Daffodil. He was panting hard after running non-stop and his eyes were puffy and full of tears. He was trying to calm himself and remembered the Calming Draughts given to him by Madam Pomfrey. He rummaged his stuff and when he found it, drank it in one go. He felt relatively better but the tears still keep sliding down his cheeks. He looked at the Daffodil, suddenly, it transfigured itself to a ripped off parchment with something written in it.

"Language of Flowers, Literature Section, page 394"

He threw the parchment. He didn't want to think, or feel or be there in that moment. He didn't want to remember the realization that struck him after the incident with Potter.

I was waiting for someone!

He sat down on his bed, James' last words echoed in his head. He didn't want to remember, he didn't want to put two and two together. He wish his mind was just making up things. Its possible, he firmly told himself. He was recovering from being held upside down, its possible he was making up things.

Look I'm sorry, my boy, I lost the parchment. I was suppose to write to you back but I lost it after the detention of Mr. P-

He looked at the ripped off parchment, why did he suddenly remember Slughorn's words in the Headmaster's office? He kept pushing it at the back of his mind. He laid down on his bed, maybe if he sleep it off it'll turn out to be a nightmare, and besides, there are alot of students with "P" as their family name.

Prewett, Parkinson, Potter . . .

He threw his pillow forcefully. He started panting again, he covered his face with his hands. Information suddenly drowning him, things he find insignificant started to dawn on him.

The correspondence started after the incident with Black and Potter blowing up my potion, Slughorn told them their detention will be that afternoon, a few hours after Scarf and I started writing to each other.

He thought. He was trembling.

But Scarf had History of Magic during our free period! Wait . . . Gryffindors and Hufflepuff have History of Magic that time. . .

No, he refuse to believe it. He might just be confusing himself. There's no way Scarf and Potter was one and the same.

Ran to me

He look at the ripped off parchment again.

There's no way.


Madam Pomfrey and Professor McGonogall was walking in the halls.

"Honestly, Horace needs to be more responsible with this kinds of things!"

The mediwitch proclaimed, she was fuming. McGonogall nodded and stared at students running making them stop abruptly and started walking.

"That child is handful I know, he is in my Transfiguration class, he does relatively well but I don't see him cooperate, he rather work alone. Only Ms. Evans seem to approach the boy."

"Well why don't you ask for her help?"

"I'll see what I can do Poppy."

The animagus bid her friend farewell and headed to the Gryffindor common room. She stops once in awhile to warn rowdy students on her way. She noticed Peter walking alone.

"I hope your friends are not up to some new mischief Mr. Pettigrew, Mr. Potter and Mr. Black has lost a considerable amount of points for our house and if we're aiming to win the House Cup then they should keep their selves in check. Honestly, will they ever grow up. I wish they can follow Mr. Lupin's example and k-"

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