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Remus is squirming in his bed, he seems to have another nightmare. Madam Pomfrey gave him a Dreamless Sleep potion but it seems that his body is not reacting with that, he was slowly preparing for his transformation. Sirius got up from his bed and held his hand, the Werewolf calmed down a little, James woke up from his chair and looked at his friends. They were in the Infirmary, Madam Hooch sent Sirius there for his injury and James took him. Remus happens to meet them there as he needed his dose of Wolfsbane, Madam Pomfrey insisted he stays.

"Can't believe Wormtail left him, We always made sure Moony had someone to look after him."

James looked at Sirius, the dog animagus was looking at their friend intently. He knew Sirius had always been protective of Moony, he smiled.

"What are you looking at?"

Sirius looked at him curiously. James shrugged it off.

"Thanks for taking the hit for me Padfoot"

"You already got brain damage liking Snape, I don't want to lose you completely."

James lightly kicks him.


"Honestly Prongs? Snivellus of all people? We had been pranking the git since the first year and a random letter exchange made you think he's lovely? What happened to Evans? You like her didn't you?"

"I thought I did."

Sirius regarded his friend.

"Well, then you'll get over this one too."

"Why are you against Severus so much?"

"So its Severus now? What's next, babe? honey? Love? Snivellus was good enough"

James tries to reign his anger. Sirius just took a fatal blow for him, and Remus needs them more than ever, he doesn't want another fight.

"Look, Sirius, he lost everything. He lost his mom, he might as well have no dad and he has no friends, other than Lily. A little bit of kindness won't hurt."

"But you don't have to be his Prince Charming, don't you?"

"And I don't have to be your best friend to take you away from your wretched family."

Sirius glared at James. The stag animagus sighed, his best friend was acting difficult.

"Look, mate, I don't want to choose between the two of you. I can't"

"You've fallen deep to even be considering that."

Sirius look back at Remus, the werewolf was sleeping soundly now.

"We don't choose who we love, I guess"

James leaned over and looked at Sirius holding Remus' hand, he sighed.

"Can you at least try to tolerate him, he's important to me now. And you're my best friend, can't you do this for me?"

Sirius looked at James.

"I'll try"


"So you guys made up?"

Lily said as the Marauders took their seat in the Great Hall for breakfast.

"I'm trying to impress your best friend Evans, an injury wouldn't help me win him over. My best friend here simply made sure I'm presentable."

James smiled looping his arm around Sirius' neck.

"If it'll take your mind off of that Slytherin, I would have beaten you off myself."

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