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"I really don't believe Prongs beat me on this one."

Sirius said as he was waiting in the great door of Hogwarts.

"You wouldn't give it a rest that you had your first kiss before he did, you guys are childish"

Remus sighed as they waited for some people to arrive.

"He wouldn't give this to me Moony! Even he had se- (Remus glared at him) birds and the bees before I did! Seconds before I did!'

The werewolf chuckled,

"We almost walked in on them that time, good thing I left my book in the library."

"Stupid bloody book!"

Sirius pouts. People started arriving and the two Marauders greeted them happily leading them to the Hogwarts grounds.

"Merlin Molly, the last time I saw you, you were pregnant with Bill now you got a second one!"

Sirius held the baby on his arms. Molly chuckled and Arthur carried Bill on his hips.

"What's his name?"

Remus asked while allowing the baby to hold his finger.

"Charlie, Charlie Weasley"

Arthur proudly proclaimed. The other guests started surrounding them and Sirius gave the baby back to Molly. Sirius whispered to Remus.

"I want one"


The dog animagus presented his best puppy dog eyes expression.

"No, that will not work on this one"

Remus said as he walked to engage conversation with the others. Sirius grudgingly followed.

"Its wonderful isn't it? A wedding despite the war"

Madam Pomfrey smiled at the former students of Hogwarts. Frank and Alice smiled at her.

"Well, Frank? I thought you guys would be catching up to the ever-growing Weasley family?"

Marlene asked as she greeted the Longbottoms and the mediwitch.

"No, not after the war. I wouldn't want to be left with his mother really"

Alice said and Frank rubbed his neck, his wife and mother didn't get along very well. The Gryffindor tried to change the subject.

"Have you guys heard about Pettigrew?"

"I never thought that he'd go so far. He killed 13 muggles, could you believe that?!"

Marlene grunted, things started to fall out since the Marauder had left the group. The mediwitch try to stir away from the sad topic and started admiring the flowers. Regulus arrived together with the Potters, he helped Fleamont to his seat then Euphemia. The two Marauders greeted the new guests and engaged in conversation. Regulus noticed a certain Redhead admire the big tree by the Black Lake, he politely left and went to Lily.

"You're not with Sev?"

"Reg! Merlin, I didn't see you there!"

The Gryffindor slapped his arm playfully.

"He said he had somewhere to go, he brought Minerva with him. Don't tell James though, he's already in much panic."

"You think he'll come back?"

"Don't be silly"

Lily giggled and caressed the big tree.

"You have to hand it to James having his wedding here at Hogwarts. Only one in history."

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