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"Okay, Moony remember? If Madam Pomfrey refuse to let us in and see Prongs, you'll have to hit me"

Sirius and Remus were outside of the Infirmary, its been three days since the Shrieking Shack incident. James had the most severe injury so he was kept longer to heal his wounds.

"And you think Madam Pomfrey would heal your injury and let you in anyway?"

Remus asked, he was nervous meeting James, after all, the injuries he had was done by him. He felt guilty and despite Sirius reassuring him that James didn't blame him, he still feel bad hurting his friend. The mediwitch opened the door to the Infirmary, she looked at the two and knew that if she won't let them in, they would do something stupid to let them get their way so she allowed them to enter. James was sitting on his bed, he look relatively better the last time, only a few visible scars left and as soon as he saw the two Marauders, he ran and hugged them.

"Took you guys long enough?! I was bored to death in here. Moony, what's wrong with you? Did you eat something weird?"

James looked at his friend, Remus was looking down sheepishly, wanting to apologize.

"Prongs, I'm so-"

"Save it Moony, this is not your fault, if there's someone to blame its Peter"

Uncomfortable silence filled the air, they still can't believe what Peter did, endangering Severus and almost letting Remus secret out.

"Anyways, three days in the Infirmary had me thinking how I'll get Sev's attention so it wasn't a complete waste"

James grinning to himself, the two simply smiled, Love really did hit James hard. Madam Pomfrey gave a few reminders to James and let them off for breakfast.


The Marauders entered the Great Hall, they sat on their usual spot in the Gryffindor table. James noticed Peter sitting far away with other Gryffindors in their year.

"Potter, what the hell happened with you and Severus? all five of you were in the Infirmary? I tried asking Pettigrew but he didn't say anything even Black and Lupin?"

Lily whispered from across the table, the Headmaster warned all five of them to not reveal what took place that night and simply say it was a prank gone wrong.

"Relax Evans, We're fine. Also, how's Sev?"

"Relatively better, when I first found out about you guys in the Infirmary from Black's little brother, I went to look for him and saw him in the Infirmary looking after you"

Some Gryffindor girls giggled, Lily smiled, James blushed,

"Well yeah, I told him to stay for awhile but he left as soon as I woke up"

The Gryffindor ran his hands through his messy hair, he was disappointed waking up and Severus was gone. He never visited again after that. Remus was listening to the conversation and Sirius was silently slipping a chocolate in Remus bag.

"What are you doing Black?"

Marlene looked suspiciously at Sirius and Remus saw what Sirius was doing.

"So that's where the chocolates were coming from"

Remus looked at Sirius, and the dog animagus scratched his neck sheepishly. He glared at Marlene and the girl simply shrugged it off. Remus glanced at Sirius and smiled a little, he knew this was the animagus way of cheering him up. James scanned the Slytherin table and spotted Severus, he was in a far end of the table with Regulus. They were not in their usual spot with Lucius and James smiled at that. He stood at the table like he always do in breakfast. Everyone in the Great hall stared at him, anticipating what he'll say this time, he was gone for three days so somehow they missed it. Severus stared at the Gryffindor while eating his toast.

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