The Great Hall Fiasco

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Lily, Marlene and the Marauders were walking in the corridors to their first class in the morning, Transfiguration. Sirius and James were dragging their selves. They had a tough Quidditch practice yesterday night.

"Black, you do realize that McGonagall won't let you off just because you had Quidditch practice last night."

Lily said looking at the dog animagus. Sirius' arm was looped on Peter's shoulders relying the other to carry half of his weight.

"Padfoot, you're crushing Wormtail."

Remus noted, James' eyes were drooping. He really is tired and had no greater desire than to sleep all day. Frank Longbottom, Alice Fortescue, Arthur Weasley and Molly Prewett were all giggling by the corridor. Frank called out the younger Gryffindors to the side.

"Good morning to you all!"

He greeted them with a radiant smile eliciting a groan from Sirius and James. The Quiddicth co-captain was as relentless as the captain during the practice.

"Oh by the way Evans, we passed by the Infirmary this morning and Madam Pomfrey told me to inform you that your friend has woken up. He woke up yesterday afterno-"

As soon as Alice told the Redhead, her face lit up and ran as fast as she can to the said place.

"What are you guys doing so early by the Infirmary? There's no classes near that place."

Sirius grinned causing Arthur and Molly to blush. Frank chuckled and informed them that he was having his morning rounds and by chance, caught certain individuals in an abandoned classroom doing "stuff".

"Oh come on Weasley, its not a secret you guys are going at it like rabbits. I won't blame you, Ms. Prewett here is indeed irresistible."

Sirius winked and Molly slapped Sirius shoulder's playfully. Remus urged them to go or they would all be late for class, Arthur huffed.

"Those two, I swear by the time they graduate I won't be surprised they'll be having 7 children. I heard in the common room they were caught by the caretaker."

Sirius leaned back to Peter having the smaller guy carry his weight again. Remus said,

"You do know that Weasley can get you back for that during practice."

Sirius just smiled at Remus and the Werewolf merely huffed. Marlene looked around and saw James stop in the same area they were talking to the older Gryffindors. She stared for awhile and giggled.

"Potter? why are you blushing?"


Lily ran as fast as she can to the Infirmary. She wasn't able to go back and check on Severus after class as she was rushing some homework. She turned around the corner and saw the door open. She stopped by the door to catch a few breath and shouted.


She ran to him, passing by the Headmaster, the mediwitch and Slytherin Head of House. She jumped to the bed to give Severus a bone crashing hug.

"Oh Sev, I was so worried."

The Slytherin was shocked and froze at the moment. He blushed furiously. The two wizards chuckled while the mediwitch gasped,

"Ms. Evans, you're going to crush his bones! He had just recovered."

Lily released the boy immediately and sat beside him, she smiled at him. Severus looked down, as far as he remembered, they were not in good terms.

"Now, Poppy, she seems as happy as we are that Mr. Snape is in good condition. Well then my boy, think things through and never again hesitate for help. My office is always open for any more concerns"

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