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"You have to give it back to Professor Slughorn James."

James flinched, Remus kept on bugging him about the parchment. He told Remus last night everything, about the exchange and the situation his mystery person has. But the fact that Remus is not using his nickname means he's serious about it.

"Look Moony, Slughorn is an idiot. I don't think he'll take Quill's predicament seriously and besides I can't turn away from someone who needs my help."

"Even if this person is a Slytherin?"

"You're not sure of that Moony, I kinda feel Quill is a Ravenclaw, What if the parchment was given to him because he/she is part of the Slug party?"

Remus sighed, James' had a point. They ask Peter to pick up Sirius, The captain made him stay to discuss some new tactics and he slept in late.

"I got Padfoot!"

Peter announced sitting in the table and quickly fill his plate. Sirius rested his head on Remus shoulder's, he was tired. It was a weekend so they had all the time to waste.

"So what are we going to do today?"

Peter enthusiastically said while eating his sausages.

"Moony and I are going to finish homework, you can get Sirius back to bed."

James said winking at Remus. Remus sighed, he knew what James was planning.

"You Prongs?! Homework?!"

Peter swallowed hard. James rarely suggested to do homework, he somehow always leave it for the last minute.

"Look Wormtail, I have a match next week so if I don't do these now, I won't be able to do it. Besides, I don't fancy a detention with McGonogall anytime soon."

Remus smiled, that was the best excuse James can pull off, he really was serious with this mystery person.

"Okay then, I'll leave Padfoot to the dorm, I'll go hang out for a bit in the Owlery, Mom told me last time she'd be sending me something. So where will I lo-"

James was laying Sirius head down in the table and took Remus to head somewhere.

"Bye Wormtail!"

Peter looked at them suspiciously.


Severus woke up. He had a nightmare last night. Not as severe as the last time but just as frightening. He sighed. He looked around and saw all his dorm mates gone. It was a weekend so he thought all of them will make the most of it. He didn't want to leave his bed for awhile. He grabbed his parchment and smiled,

J: Dear Quill, Today is going to be a good day and you know why? Because today you're you and that's enough.
S: Good morning Scarf, Thank you.

Severus laid his back to the headboard. He felt his heart swell with emotions, He was never enough for anyone, he always lack something and always settled for less.

J: and also, you mean a lot, maybe less than a lot but always more than none.

The raven haired boy chuckled.

S: You don't have to write a whole inspirational book Scarf, I'm alright and thank you for being a friend.


James bit his lip. He was indeed quoting an inspirational book and he was almost sure Quill is a Ravenclaw. He and Remus went to the library despite his protest to be seen but since its the only place where having a parchment and some books that will help is acceptable, he really had no choice.

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