We meet

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He waved his staff and a big puffy jacket appeared. He handed it to me. I took it and swung it on. "Thank you." I said grumpily. He giggled and walked over a ice hill. The sight on the other side was nothing I could have imagined. Giant pilers of ice stood within boiling lava. Fire blanketed The Who castle. The smell of burning flesh made my stomach turn inside out. Whis looked to me and nodded as he began to walk into the fiery inferno of a palace. I followed close behind. As we reached the door the two ice pilers began to break and crumble. I quickly got into my battle stance as I held my breath waiting. "It's alright Vegeta they are just some guards." Whis looked down to me. I relaxed my body and crossed my arms as I huffed. The ice began to form huge creatures with spikes of black ice coming from there body. They looked tough. They looked to Whis and grumbled at him. Whis nodded to the two and they parted a path for us. The fire that covered the door vanished and we walked in.

Me and Whis walked down a crumbling corridor of shattered glass and burnt tapestry's. I looked to one of them that wasn't completely burned to ash. It had a picture of a man with a ring that red 'LD' he was pressing it into something but the tapestry was bunt away. We continued down the hallway when Whis came to a stop. "Wait here." He said as he began to walk up to another large hanging tapestry. He yanked the corner and it all came crashing down to reveal two large doors with chains on them. The chains had a blues light going through them. I almost looked as if they were pulsing. He opened the door enough for me to get a glimpse inside. There was a large block of ice covering a body, chins bounded to it that were made of molten lava. Just like King Yama has said there were. Whis looked back to me, him smile was gone and he had a serious look to his face as he entered the room. The doors shut be hind him and I was left alone.

Whis POV
I walked into y/ns cell. They had bumped up the security after she got out the first time. I blasted the ice block that covered her body and stood away. She was breathing heavily, like a wild animal. I felt sorry for her it wasn't her fault she was like this but it was what she was. I walked up to her bindings as I lifted her chin with my staff. She certainly looked much different from her old self. She lacked her muscles and looked more human than I have ever seen. Her hair was past her shoulders and fell revealing her neck as I lifted her head. Chills went down my spine as I saw the large ring burn on her neck that read 'LD'. I undid her chains. Her naked body was unconscious and limp as I lifted her from the ground and began to carry her in my arms.

Vegeta POV
I heard a blast from inside the room I almost ran in to help but Whis had told me to stay. After the blast I heard ice being restled around and then foot steps towards the door. I backed away and got into my stance. The doors swung open as Whis exited holding a naked body in his hands. I didn't look alive, it was pale and bony. No muscles at all. It's hair was in its face and swaying back and fourth with each step that Whis took. "We must go now." He said. I grabbed onto his staff as a familiar purple light once consumed us again.

3rd person POV
Vegeta and Whis has been gone for almost 5 hours. The entire gang had gone inside to rest. Bulma was the only one up working in her lab when she herd a loud boom from out side. She ran upstairs to look at what it was. She saw Berus hunched under a lawn chair on the deck and Whis and Vegeta beginning to appear. They faded out of a purple light that soon dissolved into the night sky. The rest of the group had come down after they heard the boom and surrounded the door way. "Hey guys your back! Did it work out?" Asked Bulma. Vegeta walked twards the group revealing the body in Whis was holding. Krillin ran behind Goku and covered his face. "Is she alive?" Goku asked as he scratched the back of his head. Whis lowered her so he could see. "Whis! How could you!" Bulma ran over as she grabbed a cloth from the picnic table and swung it around the girls body. "Wooo weee!" Yelled Roshi as his nose began to bleed. Bulma hit him over the head as she felt the girls pulse. "Bulma she's dead remember?" Said Krillin from behind Goku. "Actually she's not technically dead," said Whis, everyone looked to him. "Well then why the hell did we go to hell to get her!?" Asked Vegeta. "It was decided by the kias and gods of this universe that she was to much for it and locked her away." Everyone looked at Bulma. "He's right she has a pulse." Goku looked confused. "What do we do with her?" Bulma snakes him in the head. "We give her a bed and some CLOTHS to wear!" She yelled. "That monster sleeps outside!" Yelled Berus. Everyone burst out laughing as Whis handed the girl to Goku.

Goku POV
Bulma had told me to take y/n up to the spare bedroom next to Vegetas. As I walked past his room I could hear him mumbling to himself. "Why would they put her in a place like that it was horrid! Even for a monster." I continued to walk to the spare room. As I walked it I shut the door behind me. I laid her on the bed and looked at her face. It was so beautiful and perfect. Her skin was as pale as ice. And she had goose bumps all over her arms. I saw a small scratch at the base of her neck I scooted the table cloth down more to see it better. The more I moved the cloth the bigger it got and the more horrific it got. It had spots of black oozing out of the center. I ran my finger over it as I looked closer. The black ooze was still flowing and bubbling at the cut. She winced in pain and I removed my hand. I looked down to her I could see a tear flow down her cheek. I was about to wipe it when I was interrupted by Bulma coming into the room. "Oh hey your- GOKU WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I looked to her. Then back at my hand resting on her brest. "No it wasn't... it's not like that!" A huge blush cane to my cheeks. Bulma slapped me across the face and pushed me out of the room. Before she shut the door she said, "Learn to keep your hands to yourself, and not all over y/ns boobs!" She slammed the door shut. The blush on my face was deep red. I looked down the hallway to find Krillin in the middle of brushing his teeth just starring at me. I giggled and scratched the back of my head. My blush was so noticeable!

I walked back to my room that was on the other side of Capsule Corp. I sat down on my bed and began to think. What was that huge gash on her chest? Why is she so feared? How could anyone fear some one that.... beautiful? Her face was so perfect! And her bre- ...chest! Was so soft...
I felt my pants tighten up and I looked down. Had gotten hard off of thinking of y/n?

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