First introduction

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Y/ns POV
"Uh hi?" I said. Everyone's eyes were on me. I felt so out of place. "Why did you attack me?" Piccolo said. My face blushed harder. "I was scared." I lied. I've never really been scared of much. Only thing that could beat me at my full power was Whis. Whis looked me over and grinned. "Y/n can you come with me?" He asked grabbing my wrist pulling me into the other room. The others watched me leave. "Why did you really attack him?" I grumbled at his question. "Come on..." he poked me. "Fine! The one called Piccolo said the other two were into me." I blushed and Whis squealed. I never had a hatred towards Whis it was mostly Berus. Whis was like a best friend to me. Even if I didn't act like it. He was the only one that understands why I am the way I am. "They should be! Your a incredible fighter! And a very beautiful girl." I blushed harder and nudged Whis. "What do they know about me?" I asked. "Not much. I've only told the one about your cell and why it was the way it was. Also I kind of made you sound like a brute. I needed to or they may not have taken you seriously." I sighed. "Well I was a brute. But it will be nice to start over. No more worry of corruption." Whis lost his smile. "About that... your only out for about 2 weeks tops." I felt my face heat up as tears started to form. "W-What?" A tear rolled halfway down my face before evaporating. "I'm sorry. After the last episode you had they said no more chances." I fell to the ground sobbing. I slammed my fist on the floor. "Why! It wansnt me! It wasn't who i am!" I yelled. The men from the other room came in and saw me. Great now I seem weak. I was on the floor sobbing my eyes out. Instead of judging me the one called Goku knelt down beside me and put his hand on my back. "Hey it's alright. I don't know why your upset but I'll do my best to help." I looked up at him. He had a supper cute smile on his face. I wanted to snuggle up to him but instead I pushed his hand off my back. "Don't show me pitty." I said as I stood up. I took a deep breath as I calmed down. I then noticed a blue haired woman standing at the door. I nodded to her as my way of saying hello. He smiled back and came up to my face. "I see you found the cloths I got for you, but there kind of ruined." I looked down I had accidentally burned the material. Ops didn't mean to do that. She smiled and giggled. "Don't worry I can make something that's flame resistant!" She clapped her hands together and pulled me into a hug. My eyes shot open. "Don't touch me!" I yelled. She backed up from me into Whis as he giggled. "It's not fucking funny! Touch me again woman and I'll turn you into steak!" Whis burst out laughing as the girl shook in fear. I felt my teeth grinding as I turned my back to him. I might have been a little nice when I first woke up but soon they will meet the real me.

Whis explained his plan to me about the tournament of power. It seemed pretty epic. "So when do I get to train?" I asked. He laughed and put his arm around me. He's the only one I let touch me. "We should first get you some breakfast! You will absolutely love the food they have here on earth!" The sound of the name earth made me cringe. I hated this place. "Can't I just eat some Rushu squid or something?" Rushu squid was a amazing food one of the planets I used to live on. They were supper spicy, they were so spicy the locals couldn't eat them. "No but I'm sure we can get you something close you that." He walked me down a hallway. I looked behind me and saw the 3 men still in the room shocked.

Whis walked me down some stairs. They led to a big room where I spotted him. That fucking purple cat. Whis held me tighter and shook his head at me. I gave him a smirk and pulled his hand off my shoulder. I walked straight up to him totally ignoring all the others in the room. "Here kitty kitty kitty." I teased. It was my turn to mock him. Now that I wasn't in chains he couldn't do anything back. He turned his head from me. I smirked and got closer. "Kitty kitty?" He began to growl at me and I loved it. I loved to tear him apart inside out. "Wooow!" I head a older man say behind me. I turned around to see him staining at my butt. When I burned my cloths it must have burnt the back side revealing a lot. I blushed and went over to him. "What?" I said through gritted teeth. "Your one sweat mama!" I grabbed him by the collar and through him at the wall. He went through a window shattering the glass and flew outside. Everyone rushed over to him outside. "Roshi omg are you ok?!" Goku said. Roshi I'll keep that in mind. I looked to Whis, he was giggling as Goku stood next to him with a worried face. I smirked to him. I saw the short man in the corner by himself smirking.

Vegeta POV
Seeing y/n be so aggressive was a total turn on. She threw Roshi straight through a window and taunted lord Berus. She was pure evil and I loved it. See looked back to me as a smirked at her. She walked up to Whis. "Where's the food?" She said. "Patients y/n we might need to find a way to feed you what you want later but for right now you'll have to eat what we have here." I saw her face scrunch up. "Can I have more of that stuff that was in my room this morning?" She was talking about chocolate. "Of corse!" Whis clapped his hands. "Would anyone like to come with me and y/n to breakfast?" Whis asked everyone. They all backed away after what happened with Roshi. "Well since you went with me to get her why don't you come Vegeta. Oh and you two Goku it would very good for her to get to know her teammates!" Y/n snarled at Whis as her face tuned red. He simply smiled down at her. "Food? Alright!" Goku said. I grunted and followed him.

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