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Gokus POV

When I got to the bottom of the stairs y/n was arguing with Whis.
"You said I'd never have to go back!" She yelled. "Yes but under these conditions I don't know if you'll be able to get to your full power." Whis said. I know Whis he would never lie so this must be serious. The whole universes is on the line of course it's serious!

Y/n lowered her power level and stood still. "Sorry Whis But I'm not going back." She lowered her power completely so no one could sense it. "Don't you dare!" Berus shouted from the couch. Vegeta came running down the stairs after he yelled. "What's wrong?!" He shouted. Y/n looked to him. "I'm sorry." She raised her hand and pointed it to the window. "Y/N!" Berus shouted again at her. I was about to grab her arm but before I knew it smoke filled the room.

Panic erupted from everyone as the sprinklers went off. "What the hell is going on!?" Vegeta yelled over the thick smoke. After it died down and everyone had stoped coughing we looked to the window. A huge gaping hole was there, burned through the wall. "Where is she!?" Me and Vegeta yelled in union. He stared daggers into my eyes. There were so fiery and filled with hatred I wondered how mine compared.

"How am I supposed to know? Her power is completely off!" Berus yelled. Whis sighed. "I believe what's happened is very bad," everyone looked to him. "Y/n was put in Hell so she wouldn't have freedom. I'm afraid since this happened she is in great danger and so is everyone else." Krillin looked to Whis confused. "How could SHE possibly be in danger. I don't know if you noticed be she's basically the whole package!" He exclaimed.

Whis sighed again. "Yes She is strong but who do you think made her that strong?" Everyone was stunned. Even me, there's someone stronger than       y/n?
"I do believe that he has escaped the galaxy but I'm not certain. Plus even if he has he would still find a way to get her." Whis said. "Who's he!?" Everyone in union exclaimed. "He, or Linus is her blood brother. Y/n was human at one point living here like all of you a long time ago but, she met a man named Linus who gave her the blood of a dominant. Dominate is a fitting name for the race that can basically concur anything don't you think? Anyway after he gave her the blood she turned into a full blooded dominant after a few years." Whis explained.

"But if he made her a dominate and he's a dominate they why does he wish to kill her." Krillin Asked. "I'm not sure. My lord believes that the man was just drunk and didn't know. However, I believe he did it to mate and repopulate his species. And that y/n turned him down."

Another man! Now I have some powerful god and Vegeta to beat! I understand now though why she freaked out earlier. It must have been horrible having to leave everything behind because someone made you something you never asked for. And just to mate you as well.

Vegeta POV

THAT BASTARD! How dare he do that to her I sear I will find her and I'll make things right. I kind of feel guilty though. Right after her freaking out I played with her, I don't even know her much, yet I've fallen so hard. She fills me with so much joy and lust I can't help it. I'm crazy for her.

I grabbed the hidden bit marks on my neck and rubbed them. I need to mark her. I need to make her mine officially! Before I could think I was out the hole in the wall and high in the sky. I tried so hard to find her kai but I couldn't. I have no idea how she could have lowered it completely with the amount of power she has. Then it hit me. Maybe it is still sensible but she's to far away!

I had one choice to find her. King Kai.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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