A chance?

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Otherworld has many different people. Both good and bad. The good stay in otherworld the bad go to hell. But there are some that cant belong in Hell. Some that are to much even for death to handle. Those people get a special place to be. A hell designed just for them. A world of torture only they will understand.

The group stood around in a circle on the front deck of Capsule Corp. The tournament of power was just days away and they hadn't found their last fighter yet. "We're hopeless! Even with Goku, Gohan and Vegeta we don't stand a chance!" Krillin said to the group. No one said a word but they agreed. "There are many powerful fighters in the tournament, but I do believe we could stand a chance." Whis said as he looked to his staff. "Who do you have in mind?" Asked Goku scratching his neck. "It might be tricky to have them help." Whis looked to Berus. "You arnt talking about who I think you are. Are you?" Berus stared back to Whis. "My lord, she might be our only chance. We can at least try."
"Absolutely not!" Berus said as he slammed his hand on the table. "Why don't you want them Berus?" Asked Goku. Berus growled under his breath and turned around. "My lord does not like them because they almost killed him." Everyone was shocked. Someone stronger than Berus a god of destruction. They must be extremely powerful. "Wow that actually happened?" Krillin asked. "Watch it baldy or I'll kill you next." Growled Berus. Krillin backed up and stood behind 18. "If there so powerful how come we haven't heard of them before?" Vegeta said as he walked up to Whis. "She has been dead for a very long time, and most try to forget about the things she's done."
"How can we get her if she's dead?" Goku asked.
"I could cash in a few favors from King Yama and see what I can do. I obviously can't go alone it would be to dangerous, even for me. My lord would you like to come?" Whis asked Berus.
"Absolutely not I'm not going near that thing!" He snapped. Whis giggles and turned to the group. Everyone backed away trying not to be picked. Vegeta stoped forward. "If none of you cowards will do it then I will!" Whis nodded to him as he walked up to Vegeta. "If we are to do this now we must go now." Vegeta nodded and grabbed onto Whis. In a bright light they were gone.

Vegeta POV
We walked into otherworlds lobby and was greeted by a small man with horns looking down at a clip board. "Hello welcome to otherworld, what can I help you with today?" He said.
"We request to speak with King Yama please." Whis said. The mans head shot up. "Of course Whis! Uh... where is lord Berus?"
"He did not wish to come." Whis said as he walked past the man and into the main building.

In a large chair sat King Yama. He had a huge mug off coffee and come biscuits set in from of him on his desk. He was filing papers when we walked in. I did not wish to speak I never liked this man. "Ah hello Whis what can I do for you today?" King Yama said as he took a bite from his biscuit. "We wish to speak to y/n." As soon as Whis mentioned the name King Yama chokes on his biscuit. He tried to wash it down with his coffee but he couldn't keep it down. Someone even King Yama was afraid of, this y/n must be extraordinary strong. "I'm sorry but you know the rules Whis I can't let y/n out even for you." Whis sighed. He explained about the tournament of power and how if we don't win the entire universe would be destroyed. King Yama sat and thought for a bit and I became impatient. "What is so dangerous about this damn woman? She can't possibly be this bad. I've destroyed hundreds of planets and never get this treatment!" I yelled. King Yama looked down to me. "She stays in a cell completely cut off to this dimension graded even more heavily than Freiza. She wears restraints formed of pure boiling magma and is shot through the chest if she tries to speak. Do you wish to have her treatment now?" I gulped I've never been afraid for anyone other than Freiza, but right now I was. Of who ever this creature was. "I'll let you see her. I guess you have a point in saying she could turn the tables in the tournament, but after it's done she comes right back." Whis nodded and held up his staff. King Yama pulled a book from his desk and blew the dust from it. He began to chant as the floor around us shook. The other demons ran out of the main office and into the lobby. I got a strange feeling in my stomach as a purple light shined in my eyes. Whis took hold of my armor as the light consumed us.

I stood next to Whis on a giant ice burg in the middle of the ocean. "W-where are we?" I asked. "Y/ns cell." I looked around it wasn't so much a cell but an entire small world just for her. "Why ice?" I said as I kicked up some snow.
"Y/n can't stand the cold. She was used to being surrounded by the flames of worlds she destroyed." This woman could not only survive being on fire but enjoyed it. I followed Whis to the edge of the floating chunk of ice. He took off as I followed behind him. The cold air of this place was painful. Flying at such speeds only made it worse as the cold air hit my face leaving small cuts in it. It ripped through my suit and caused me to bleed. I tried to ignore it but it was hard. It must had been well below freezing, even Whis was shivering.

Whis POV
Maybe I shouldn't have brought Vegeta along. Maybe it would have been safer to just go on my own. I had forgotten how cold it was down here, I haven't had to come down here since the day
Y/n broke free of her bindings.

~Flash back~
I stood before my lord being pinned to the ground by a body of blue flames. He struggled to break free from its grasp but couldn't. He twisted his arm to where he could get a small hit in. I already knew y/n would never allow that to happen. He continued to struggle to get another hit. The flames retreated as I saw Berus had gotten his tail around her neck cutting off her air. She choked as he held her their. She made one last move she grabbed his arm and twisted it hard in the opposite direction. Berus let out a blood curdling cry and she fell to the ground. Her flames soon burnt out as her eyes shut. Berus fell to the ground with her and passed out.
~Flash back end~

Me and Vegeta arrived after about 2 hours of flying. He was shivering and had ice cubes in his hair. I could tell he was trying to play it off, but I knew he was suffering.

Vegeta POV
The cold was taking me over it must have gotten colder as we got closer. I was so focused on keeping warm that I didn't notice that Whis had stoped, I crashed right into him as he looked down at me. "I didn't know you stoped." I said as I stood up straight and walked next to him. He still looked at me and sighed. He waved his staff and a big puffy jacket appeared. He handed it to me. I took it and swung it on. "Thank you." I said grumpily. He giggled and walked over a ice hill. The sight on the other side was nothing I could have imagined.

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