34. movie boy

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Chapter 34 — movie boy

"What's going on?" Josh asks his friend, Valerie, as he saw banners being hung around his school and everyone being cheery despite it being a Monday morning.

"Can't you read?" she retorts, a hand on her waist, "It's winter formal," and momentarily turning her attention away, she yells at a boy at the top of a ladder, "Hey! I said in the middle, what are you doing?"

"Already?" he asks, surprised.

"Yes, already," she rolls her eyes at her friend's obliviousness.

"Oh," Josh looks around the hallways where there are a couple posters stuck on the wall — he definitely will have failed to notice them and the banner even, if not for running into Valerie.

"Don't forget to buy your tickets," Val gently but firmly reminds the blond.

"Sure," he nods, only out of need; he isn't sure if he's planning to attend the dance after all. It's not really his scene.

"Maybe then you'll introduce us to your mysterious boyfriend, hmm," Val moves closer to him, smirking and nudging him on the shoulder.

"Shut up," Josh blushes, moving away.

She sighs, brushing away fake sweat from her forehead, "Finally not denying the statement. Thank God. And c'mon it's been what like a month now, and you still won't tell us who it is," she complains.

"Don't you have organising work to do?" Josh starts to walk away, but Valerie was right on his heels, grabbing one of his arms.

"Josh," she says in a sing-song voice, "I'm your best friend, aren't I?' she coos, "Won't you at least tell me his name?"

If Josh didn't know her better, he will think that she truly wants to know who his boyfriend is, but Zach has been pestering him regarding the same information as well for some time, and he is almost sure that they probably have another running bet.

And also, Josh doesn't quite want to share that particular information for a little while, "Not yet," the blond shakes his head adamantly, quickly explaining, "It's not that I don't want to, okay. I want to, more than anything. I want us all hanging out together — I want him to know you guys and for you guys to know him,"

"Then why won't you tell who it is?" she asks.

"I'm... scared, I guess?" he admits tentatively.


"I don't know — it's stupid," he starts to walk away again, but Val blocks his way.

"C'mon, you know you can tell me,"

"Ever since I can remember, nothing good has happened to me — not without a catch anyway. And he– he's really good and I can't help but think that it's all going to come to an abrupt end one day. And when, no, if it happens I don't know how I'll be ever able to come out of it,"

"Josh, oh, Josh," Valerie clicks her tongue, shaking her head. "Don't that brain of yours ever get tired overthinking every single thing?"

"I wonder that too," the blond chuckles.

"Just for once, let things be as they are. Don't try to control anything. If it happens, it happens and if it doesn't, well then," she shrugs.

"How is that comforting yet worrying to hear?"

"Mysteries of life,"

Josh raises an eyebrow, but decides to change the topic away from him, "So what's going on with you?"

"Ugh, don't even ask," Val groans, shaking her head.

"Don't tell me you're still looking for that girl," Josh deadpans, but she only shrugs sheepishly.

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