~q&a 2.0~

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a/n: guys so this time around rather than the typical 'interview' kinda setting, i decided i'd do like y'know in some interviews the celebs just get handed like a bowl or a box full of questions and then they have to answer it, like in interviews or something, y'know. so yea that's how this is gonna be. OH OH or if you still don't get it y'know the thirst tweets thing buzzfeed does, except now our beloved characters are gonna get questions instead of tweets. am i making any sense at all??? ok, i'm just gonna stop. anddddd let's get started




-Hi everyone [waves awkwardly] thank you for having me here, although I'd very much rather be in my room, sleeping. And thank you very much author for dragging me here. I'm very excited [bitter laughter]

Q: Where do you wanna get married? Like, exact location? Totally just curious, not asking cuz I'm planning sneaking in or anything. Haha why would I do that?

-[in high pitched voice] This is exactly why I didn't want to do this. Oh my god [his face is now all red, from blushing] I don't know [shakes his head] I honestly don't know. I am only 18, I don't even know if I'm getting married. Gosh, I don't know, probably like on my front lawn. Oh and yea, why would you be sneaking in?

Q: What do you like most about Elliot (physically and emotionally)?

-[cue blushing once more and chuckles, shaking his head] Well, I don't know if you guys know this, but me and him we're kind of like on 'trial thing' for one month, so [shrugs] Whatever, I'll just answer, um physically... his dimples, curly hair- i liked it better when it was long, he cut it short though and emotionally, I like how he makes everything seem easy, and always makes me laugh [smiles cheekily] There I answered it; happy?

Q: What's your view on kids?

-Annoying, irritating [shudders] I don't like them. I can mildly put up with them though, just because they're important in ensuring our species don't go into extinct

Q: What happened after the month? Did you guys get back together?

-Oh, so you guys know... Hmm, I don't know. Ask me after a month?

Q: Top or bottom?

-What- drawer? Definitely top drawer- easier to reach. Why are you asking me this though? [quickly moves on to the next question]

Q: If you ever see your dad again, what are going to do?

-It would be very relieving if I could just punch him, but no. I'd probably see what state he's in; if he's willing to talk, explain, hopefully work everything out. Ok, I'm done. Byeeeee [runs away]


-Hi all of you. Nice to see you again. How is everyone doing? Let's answer some questions now, shall we?

Q: What do you love most about Josh? Also, what is your favourite song?

-That's a tough one. There's nothing I don't love about my golden boy, [he sighs] how could I possibly choose? [mulls over for a bit] The thing I love most about Josh, I guess, it has to do with how fast he blushes. It's quite amusing really, and he's just way too adorable, like how can you not love him? And my favourite song... I'm just gonna go with the classic 'I Don't Want To Miss A Thing' by Aerosmith.

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