The Unraveller

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The scene starts with kavya leaving to her room. Pooja have watched the whole scenario and thought everything is going on the way,like she wanted. Kabir will forget me in no time.She then went back to her room and slept off after some times. Kavya is elated thinking about kabir and the recent incident.Kabir on the other side finding hard to sleep in his room. His mind is occupied with pooja no matter how hard he tries to stop thinking about her, everything ended up futile.Then he went outside to get from fresh air.Suman saw kabir outside and thought what he is doing without sleeping at this time.She then asked kabir what happened why he is still awake.Kabir said nothing mom I just wanted to have some fresh air.Suman said I am your mom so stop lying to me.she could feel he is going through some tough times.She then assured him that she is there for him and asked him to share it with her.

He instantly bursted out .He lied down on his mother's lap and started crying out loudly.Suman is worried about her heart broken son. She tried to console him and ask him about the matter. Kabir opened up saying about his love for pooja,her proposal, pleasant moments spent together, her wierd behavior of avoidance, and finally the brokeup.Sumam is initially glad to hear about pooja and Kabir's relationship but displeased to hear their broke up.she is perplexed with pooja's behavior bcz she knew her from childhood. Pooja is not that kind of girl who hurt others then how can she betray my kabir in the name of love.I am sure something is fishy here. I have to confront the truth behind pooja's cold behavior and make everything right as it was.She then looked at kabir and assured him that his mom is with him always and I can't see you like this. I promise you I will bring happiness to your life back again.But one condition that you have to agree to whatever I am saying.Kabir who was feeling better after sharing his miseries agreed to his mom's condition.Suman asked him to stop worrying and sleep bcz its late already. He hugged his mom thanking her for being his support and guide always.She smiled saying bcz I am your mom. He then wished her good night and left the place.

The very next morning we can see kabir and kavya doing exercises together and pooja is astonished to see them back together.Suman is speaking to someone in phone and asked the person to come on time. Then Anuradha and Chandha are busy in kitchen.PK is in study room busy with his business works. Suman comes inside and informed PK about something which is muted. They are discussing over some matter and after sometime suman left asking him to come for breakfast. Everyone comes for dining.Seeing kavya PK asked about her ankle sprain. Kavya replied pain has gone and I am able to walk like before.I am perfectly alright now. Everyone is relieved hearing this.Suman saw everyone joined for breakfast except kabir.The same thing noticed by PK and enquired the same. Pooja is about to reply but kavya instantly replied that she will check on him leaving pooja lil bit hurt. She ignored bcz she have to stay away from kabir to bring kavya-kabir closer.kavya saw kabir getting ready and asked him to come fast since everyone has been waiting for him in dining.Kabir asked her to leave saying he will join them in couple of minutes.

Back to dining, everyone is having their food, in a short while kabir joined them and apologized for being late. Pooja felt suspicious as well as happy seeing him behaving normal after the hurtful night.Kabir asked the dish to pass, both pooja and kavya immediately reacted upon.Seeing kavya picking up the vessel she withdrew her hand back.This was noticed by Suman,who has been observing pooja closely.Pooja sees kabir silently without his knowledge whereas he is doing the same as well.Then kavya asked pooja how was the fresher's day celebrations. The glances of painful night flashed in front of her eyes.She was struggling to speak up suddenly kabir interrupted and said everything went well with lots of surprises said in a mocking tone.Pooja and Kabir exhanged an painful eye lock.Kavya's voice broke the eyelock.She then asked everyone since today is the holiday can we all go out.Now the discussion has been moved on choosing the place. Chandha said why not we will go for family shopping .Anuradha said lets go to mandir.Kavya said no temple and shopping lets go for a movie. Its kabir's favourite too.PK said lets go for movie then bcz majority have chosen it.Pooja interrupted and said she is not coming bcz she is tired already. Then Anuradha said I will stay with pooja.Pooja asked her to carry on not to withdrew the plan bcz of her. Anuradha said How can you think that we will leave you alone at home.Either you come with us or one of us will stay with you. Agree to either one of them she said firmly. Suman said I will stay with pooja and you all go for movie. The problem is solved. Bcz suman wanted to use this opportunity to confront pooja.

Finally rest of the family members started for the movie.Now pooja and Suman is alone in the home. Suman saw pooja in the terrace and approched her. She saw pooja is lost in thoughts and asked her what is she doing here without taking rest.Pooja said nothing I am just thinking about something. I am going to my room by saying this she left. Suman understood something is wrong with pooja for sure.She stopped pooja and asked her to give answers before she leave. Pooja is confused with her behavior and looked puzzled. Suman asked her to be honest in her reply. This puzzled her ever more. Suman without waiting for a moment asked her "Do you love my son Kabir"???leaving pooja in thunder shock

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