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beep beep beep. Fine ill wake up jeez calm yourself. Its September 27 another day of school and I cant wait to see the same preppy chicks. Oh wait sorry I havn't properly introduced myself besides that terrifying flashback. My name is Elena and im 5"4 with long burnette hair. I wear converse leggings and hoodies. I dont have a "group" at school im kind of a nerd that nobody likes lets keep it at that. I never put make-up on or put my hair down and I dont have contacts so it takes me about 5 min to get ready. I walk down stairs quietly knowing that my mom is sleeping I grab a poptart and head towards my school. I walk in class first like always and head to my seat I sit down and see a lot of words written on my desk like "FUCKING NERD" and "STUPID", But I never let it get to me. kids start walking in yelling and screaming "quiet down now your project needs to be presented anyone have it done" Mr. Yards says to us. And what a surprise im the only one with it done I raise my hand and everyone says "of course she has it done" "Ms. goody goody". "Come on up here Elena and please present to us" ok I say bringing my folder in front of the room The Earth is a-boooo everyone starts to yell. "Kids listen to what Elena has to say" Mr. Yards says. I begin for about 5 min with my project about the Earth. After im done know one says anything but give me glares I see my friend from 5th gd just stick her tounge out at me and flip me off. since we were in 6th gd she started dressing like a slut and said she coudnt be friends with me because I wasnt cool enough. Which is weird because I was her only friend when she first moved here in 5th gd I luckily still have one friend left Alyssa who I know will never leave me. She is really popular, but still hangs out with me which is weird. I go back to my seat and hear a group of girls behind me say "so whats up dweeb hows the life you dont have like you should really get a make over oh wait you would still be ugly" I just ignore them and read my book I dont even have to listen to Mr. Yards cause i could just take the test right know and get an A+ so im not really worried.


I want to thank BabyAngel223 for telling me to get this app, because its really cool Thank u bby XD

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