Ch 6 The Mall

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^ that photo is Elena on a regular day the cover photo is what she looks like after the make over

We head to the mall, and once we get in their alyssa starts running to every little store she sees as im holding every single bag. shes throwing clothes at me to try on and yelling at me to hurry up. Once were done at areopostle we head to rue 21, but right as we get to the store I see Sydnee and her posse standing their with their orange julius we walk to the entrance im frightened to know what she will do. she stops us and says "uhh im pretty sure you have to be pretty to wear clothes from rue 21 and as I can tell your not" as she walks over to me she pulls out her orange julius and dumps the whole thing on top of my head I run to the bathrooms crying as I here her and her friends laugh at me with Alyssa right behind me I go in and try to wash the strawberry out of my hair as I cry "Elena its ok once we are done with your make over you will be really pretty and you will show those girls that you are just as pretty as they are" once we finally wash out the juice we go to the food stand and and get some hotdogs right behind me I see a man just staring at me I get real uncomfortable and tell alyssa we need to go she tells me to be patient and wait. I need to get out of here now. Once we get are food I hurry up and eat it. Ok we should go now alyssa "girl Im not even half way done hold on" just take it with you. "Ok fine" we walk to the salon as she eats her hotdog and we get my hair all fixed, and my eyebrows done. It was so painful but it looks a lot better than it did, and if I didnt mention alyssa is really rich her parents are millionares so ya. We go to my orthodonists and get my braces taken out and get clear ones. We head to my house with all are stuff and take it to my room I hear my mom call me from downstairs. Hey mom what do you want. "Hey Elena you look really nice" what do you want mom. "Ok look the police gave me a paper with your dads picture on it just in case we needed it" she says to me. In my head I was just thinking oh my gosh no way It can't be is this really happening to me. Is that the guy I saw at the mall?


Oh snap things got real


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