Seven In a half hours later, three ice lattes, half of two sandwiches and several side cramps later and I was in the lovely Caribbean.

I didn't get much sleep on the plane ride but it was more due to my mind still replaying last nights events.

My birthday party.

More like an unannounced ex boyfriends/ friends with benefits party.

I couldn't get over Max just barging in and causing a slight scene but the one who got me was Shawn of course.

After our small talk, we danced - well mostly me Shawn looked on while doing a small two step and the occasional twirl about for me. But it was sweet and fun, he was as usual the gentleman of all gentleman even when it came to blow out my candles, he stood off in the distance clapping and cheering, but his eyes remained on me the entire night. Even when he got noticed and people questioned asked if he knew who's party it was- again some of these people were all friends of Vanessa and did r even know who I was only that it was a party with booze and music and a small opportunity to get photographed out and about. But Shawn was very discreet and once he saw me getting restless even though Vanessa was just getting started he offered to take me home. And to my surprise that's exactly what he did, he walked me to Vanessas condo and before I walked in he grabbed my hand so lightly Making me turn to his direction. He looked down at our twirling fingers and back at me with a small smile. "I'm glad I got to see you again Kat, your look beautiful." He leaned in and kissed my cheek so softly and it Made me so weak to my knees. All I wanted to do was pull him inside with me and get lost in him. Gosh, I missed his touch, his smell, his — everything. But I didn't I stood there frozen in a sense, all I could muster up was a small "thank you." When I got inside I instantly found my self slapping my head in embarrassment and annoyance. Mimicking what just played out in the hall as I paced back in front of Vanessa's foyer. Then I heard a bell ring instantly making me speed walk to the door, confused. Swinging the door open, there he stood.
"Hi." Was all I could say, mentally I was. Kicking my own ass for this.
"Hi." He said back before stepping in and kissing my lips full on.

My hands went to his chest out of habit to hold on to his grand gesture.

Our lips molding together like if they hadn't missed any time apart. It felt amazing, better than amazing.

This fire was burning in us both without a doubt. The way his hands pressed the sides of my face pulling me to deepen our kiss, like he wanted to devour me whole and I wouldn't even complain truly. My hands pressed on his chest feeling his heart beating fast and rapidly which made my heart spark for some unknown reason.

I pulled us apart, another kick worthy to my self.

"Shawn." I whispered trying to catch my breath, my eyes locked on his embers. His bottom lip puckering out so sexy that I couldn't help running my finger over it as I licked my lips.

"Kat?" Shawn said in turn to me saying his name. He caressed my face still in his hands.

"We can't do this." I partially sulked.

He let go of my face from his hands, and he fixed his self brushing his hands over his jeans. Then going to his hair out of habit, pushing his curls back as they bounced back to the middle of his forehead.

"Your right. I just couldn't leave without kissing you. I'm sorry." He said, his cheeks going a shade of pink and I found it to be the most adorable thing ever.

I couldn't help but smile big, grabbing his hands and kissing his knuckles.

"I'm glad you did. Maybe I'll see you the next time we're in the same city." I let his hand go and I slowly stepped back closing the door slowly taking mental notes of the beautifully sculpted man i was leaving behind.

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