The Explosion

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Cassandras POV

" You went on a date with the princess last night lloyd."

" It was not a date cole, we were just talking."

" You were alone, sharing food, on a bridge talking togather, sounds like a date."


I watched the ninja quarrel about last night, I decided to do something.

" Why don't we talk about Tonight, and whs on shift."

They all just shrugged and walked away.

" Lloyd will deffinetly have FUN with Harumi tonigt."

SHUT UP JAY, I yelled.

Kais POV

I was on he roof guarding the castle, I saw Mr Hutchkins going behind a rock, I followed him outside and behind the rock. It was a secret passage. I pressed a button on the rock and below me a trap door opened. I went down the lader to find some explosives...

~~~~Meanwhile, In the Cinimas~~~~~~

Some rndom Bad Guys POV
Are you sure Ultra Violet is hear
                                       TheQuiet one said she is hear

I heard that she jumped
of a building because she
did not want to take the staris
                                            I heard that she dragged
                                    a man because he looked at a
                                 photo wrong.

"Will you two be quiet, I am trying to watch a movi"

The two of us were frightened of Ultra Violet.

"Um..Miss Violet..."

" It is Ultra Violet, call me Miss and you will miss yor life."

I was frighened..." there is going to be an explosion and a big fight in the castle, The Quiet One wants you to come...

~~~~ Back  at the palace~~~~~

Lloyd  POV

"What did you find kai?"

" Th#re r ÷^!#!¥ Get out castejdhsbw."

" I cant her you Kai"

" Mr Hutchkinsjdibshssj EXPLOSIN GET OUT NOW."

As soon as I heard Kais Message there was a Loud Bang, the only thing I saw was Dakness.

"Lloyd?WAKE UP!"

I opened my eyes and saw Cassie frightened. I looked around and saw the castle burnt . Cassie helped me up and there as some yelling.

" Yeayeayeayeahhhha."

We turned around to see a woman on a moter bike. Nya and Kai randown the palace stairs and started attacking the intruders.

"Mr. Hutchkins did this, Find him and kill him."

When Kai told us this I was not surprised. I knew there was somethinb off about him.

Me  and Cassie ran into the palace. We found Mr Hutchkins, the first thing I did  was push him against the palace wall.

" Why did you do this."

" I did not do anything, green ninja."

"But... Kai said he saw you in the caves with explosives."

I was going to finish my sentence, but Mr Hutchkins pulled me down. He saved me froma crazy looking lady with a Knife.

" My name is Ultra Violet, and you will DIE."

I got my katana and started attacking back.

" Dose any one have eyes on the princess!"

I turned to see Mr Hutchkins panicking. I used the radio attached to my ninja gi to contact Zane.

" Zane, go get the princess." I ordered.

Zanes POV.

I ran to the princesses room to find Harumi. 

Her room was destroyed and there was smoke everywhere. I soon found Harumi under broken peices of wood.

" Please follow me, your highness."

She smiled and rabbed my hand. When I gotthe princess out of her room, I saw Lloyd and the other ninja guarding the mask. I ran to the others and told Lloyd to get the princess out of here. He nodded his head and left.

Me, Kai,Zane,Cole, Nya ad jay surrounded a man in  a red mask. He tried to take the  mask but we protected us.

He pulled out a mask out of his back. He wore it and then had Four arms.

"Like we've never seen a perspn with four arms. Jay commented.

We started attacking but he was too strong.

Kai was trying to be the hero and took the mask, but he accidentaly burnt it.

" Um Lloyd we have a problem."

"What Jay."

"Kai burnt the mask..."


Llyds POV

Kai just destroyed one of the mask.

" Do not worry, That was not the real mask."

Mr Hutchkins brought us to the throne room and pulled a lever behind the Emperrors throne. In his hands he had the mask.

" I did not trust the ninja, so i hid tje mask. NOW RUN LLOYD AND SAVE THE PRINCESS."

I took Harumis hand and ran out of the palace.

"What about my parents?

Mr Hutchkins said that he will find them, now we need to get out of here.

Me and Harumi got on a mottercycle  and drove away from the palace.

The same person who wore the mask was chasing us.

Me and Harumi were driving as far away as possible, but he kept on catching up.

"Hes going to get us Lloyd!"

No he is not, I said.

I jumped onto the other road and kept on driving.

" THE MASK!!" Harumi yelled.

We turned back to see  the same person infront of us. In the middle of us there was the mask.

" Duck." I told Harumi.

I raced to try and get the mask. I was sooooo close, but he got it before me.

Me and Harumi had no other choice, but to retreat. I  was planning to go to my house, but we were surrounded.

I rode to the docks with the enemy behind us with the mask and the princess eside me.

I got the motorcycle onto the bounty and got the engines ready.

"They won't just let us sail away Lloyd."

"I wasn't thinking of sailing away."

Harumi looked away at me strangley. I banged on the controls hoping that the bounty would still work.

I used the steering wheel to drive away and soon enough me and Harumi were well away from Ninjago City.

"Tommorow we will return and get the rest of the ninja...

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