Metting The Green Ninja... again

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This chapter is currently being rewritten.

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Future Sakura Queen's POV!

Slowly opening my eyes, I realised this was not my bed. "Argh!" I squealled like a litlle girl, jumping off the bed like a cat and landing with a thud on the hard, cold wooden floor. Who wouldn't sceam like a little girl after waking up in someone elses bed, with no memory of what happened last night.

"I'm up!" Came a female voice, she jerked awake from her chair, looking around after finally calming down. "Oh." Her gaze finally fell on me. A relieved, yet embarassed sigh left her lips as her cheeks began to flood from a tint of pink. "Guys! She~ I mean Cas is awake!" She says, recomposing herself.

I gave her a small smile, 'She remembered my name!' I gladly thought. Soon after, five teenage males came rushing in. All of them had worried expressions on their faces. Soon after the five ninja entered and surrounded me, an old looking man appeares. While the Ninja stood around the sides of my bed, the old man stood infront of my bed. Can I even call it my bed? Eh, I'll just do it. It'll be easier for me.

"So Miss Sakura, can you recall any of the events that happened last night." He asked, stroking his long white beard.

EEEEE, my cringy writting. You can see how much I've improved.

I changed the last chapter ecause it did not make any sence. And Queen Calista, thankyou for being one of the first peopleto read my book, i love all the books that you wrote, especcially the enchanted DVD player!

I opened my eyes to see myself strapped in a chair. I could only remember someone giving me powers . I looked around to see six ninjas surrodding me.
I was to lazy to write said and "" so i just did this.
Red ninja: looks like shes awake
Blue ninja: few, i thought you killed her when you knocked her out Lloyd
Black ninja: Well her neck is still bleeding
Me:  WAIT my neck was bleeding
The girl: You were attacking us so Lloyd just knocked you out.
Me: Whos Lloyd?
The old man:  We did not introdued ourselves yet, the red ones Kaia, the blue ones Jay, The girl over here is Nya, The white one is Zane hes a nindroid, the black ones Cole, Im sensie Wu and the green one is Lloyd.

I looked at all of them.
" Can you untie me?"  I asked. "Can you not attack us?" The green ninja asked me with a smirk on his face.  "Just let her go, that girls been through enough!" Nya said. They then untied me. I stood up ad fell, my necm was injured really badly. Nya helped me and bgought me to her bed.

Lloyds POV
I saw Cassie fall to the ground, Nya helped her and brought her to my bed ?! I looked at Nya who was looking innocent, im going to kill her.

Nya walked to me and dramatically said...

Cassies POV
The door opened and i coud see the green ninja, he walked in with a medical kit. He took of his mask and i saw his long knotty blonde hair in the way of his face.
  "I'msooosorrythatmadeyoubleed.canifixit?" He was speaking so fast that i coldnt hear him, so i just nodded and he sat down beside me. He was as red as atomato. He started to bandage my neck and i stared into his green eyes, for a moment i thougt i was lost in his eyes. I stoped thinking and relised i had to escape at midnight, even though they were the ninja i did not want to stay

As soon as Lloyd finished bandaging my neck I pretended to fall a sleep. ( a million dreams )I closed my eyes and i could see a world just waiting out for me, that I call my own. I could see queen sakura waving right at me and i am  crowned queen. But then i am overtaken, the villians kill the queens and people. They can say they can say tht i am crazzzyyy because i dont have parenttttsss. But im brought away to a world that i desinged....
Cause eery night i cry in bed. The darkest creatures rule my head,a million dreams that will never come true.
I think of all ninjago and my life, will i really become  queen? What will i do, it is not safe in ninjago anymore. I will go to Paris, it will be safer there and none of he ninja will get hurt. I f that person who killed my ancestors really wants to kill me, than they might follow me to paris.

As soon as Lloyd left, I locked the door and strted packing. I wore my long blue skirt and a cute pink shirt. I started to pack my books, then i remembered i ad a talking book.

Book. Well hello princess Cassandra sakura livia Grace!
Book. I know your name because i know your ancestors, i am there royal diary
Cassie. Can you answer my question please?
Book. Sure, your actual mom was Queen sakura and your granmother was Queen Lilian Ariana lina. And the kingdom of Sakuria is a place in a diffrent portal.

I was soooooo confused. Befor I could ask any more questions the book opened and gave me a fan. " This fan can make you stronger and be able to do any figting skills without practise, you just need to imagine what you what to do and it will happen!"

I closed my ees and thought about me doing a back flip, next thin i noticed, i was dong tones of back flips.

The book also that i could teleport to anywhere in the universe. He told the that I could create a portal to diffrent dimension, by imginatiom.

I thought about going into the future by  one month. Everything started to fade away and i was wearing a diffent outfit.

I could see me with my hair out wearing a lovley pink ad white dress. I was on a stage infront of a  castle, the ninja were around me with their weapons ready to attack. I was so confused!
What just happened!

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