Chapter Four

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Ethan's POV

Mum's has been nagging me the whole week about uncle Eric's birthday party, she insisted I had to be there regardless of all the work load I've been having lately. Anyway I'm just glad I made it, if it wasn't for this party, when would I have laid my eyes on her.

"Hey Eth! I need a favour man...." Chandler strolled towards me, as he entered the hall.

"Greetings to you too my friend." I patted his shoulder.

"What's with the hype nitwit? Settle down you just arrived." Nick countered.

"Shut the fuck up Nick! Ethan you listening or what?" Chandler asked.

"I'm all ears." I replied, sipping my drink.

"So, you see that girl beside your mum?" He pointed behind us towards my mother, who was thoughtfully talking to a girl, whom I couldn't look at properly since she was facing mum. I nodded, for him to carry on.

" She seems pretty hot man, and at the looks of it your mother is very close to her. You need to tell me who she is." Chandler pleaded.. He definitely seemed lovestruck.

"She doesn't look familiar man. I wouldn't know." I shrugged.

"How can you say that just by looking at the back of her head? Move your ass dude, help our boy here." Michael suggested.

It looked so weird, as if the four of us were gawking at one girl. I quickly regained my posture and finished my drink. Chandler on the other hand looked at me with the most disgusting puppy eyes. I didn't want to upset him thus, I got up and walked towards my mother. As I greeted mum, I glanced at the girl and damn, she was beautiful. Wearing simple yet elegant dress, she looked very natural, and her hair cascading down her shoulders, her lips, eyes... Fuck, I'm screwed! I noticed how she looked away, when our eyes met and later when I had a chat with her dad she checked me out, I couldn't help but smirk. When mum mentioned her name, I didn't know how to react, all I did was mutter her name in front of her like a creep....Kiara. In order to be distracted, I had a small talk at their table and walked away, hoping to see her again.


Akira got ready for college, and ran downstairs for breakfast. Kiara planned on staying at home because aunt Linda said she would take care of the bakery and that she could rest for a day. Kiara served her sister some french toast and fresh fruits along with a cup of coffee. While Warren attended a call, the girls couldn't hear much of what their father was saying but, by the few words they caught him saying, it looked like he was organizing a party with a friend.

"Ah, that's wonderful....... yes, Kiara could do that!.... Great. Alright, alright, bye!" Warren said delightfully.

Before Kiara could inquire about it, there was a honk, making Akira jump up and run to the door Kiara followed her sister to see whose car it was, Akira waved at her sister and rode off with Zac, her current boyfriend.

"Kiara, can you come here for a second darling?" her dad called.

She strode to the living room from the door, "Hey dad, what's up?"

"I've been speaking to Nolan, you know the man you met at Eric's party?" Kiara nodded

"Well, we've been planning a charity event for all our school and college mates, that's to be held somewhere next month. We're expecting about two hundred guests, with a few other business partners of my mine and the Lancelan's. Nolan has spoken to his son about the venue of the party, and Ethan has suggested one of his hotels." Kiara gulped at the thought of meeting him again.

"So, since you're home today love. I want you to visit the hotel and help Ethan pick a menu. And you could even decide on some decorations and other little details that's needed.

Kiara's POV

Oh God Dad!!! What have you put me into! It feels so awkward around that guy and, I don't even know why?

"Yeah... sure dad, give me the address, I'll go have a look." I replied.

"That wouldn't be a problem, just be ready by eleven. Ethan is going to pick you up and take you there himself. That's very kind of him, don't you think." Dad smiled.

"Of course!" I whined

"He said he'll call you once he's arrived, I passed him your number for that matter." He informed

What a way to ruin my day off daddy....

"Okay, I'm going to speak to Maze for a bit before I get ready dad." I said while climbing up the stairs.

I need that girl to calm me down now. We had a long conversation and I told her bits about meeting this Ethan guy. Apparently she knew who he was already and asked me if I lived under a rock. Whatever!! Anyway, she said there's been articles about him on every magazine, and he manages to have a different arm candy for every event and importantly a good-looking, sophisticated and refined human he was. PHEW! I really thought she was going to help me, but Maze definitely made me more jittery. As soon as I hung up, I began getting ready and finally straightened my wavy hair.

 As soon as I hung up, I began getting ready and finally straightened my wavy hair

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Just then, my phone buzzed....

"I'm coming to get you in five minutes.


"I'm ready! 😊" I sent a reply, instantly regretting that stupid emoji at the end.

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