Chapter Eighteen

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to @Adelaide knight. Thank you for the love and support.

"Kiara? Baby? Look at me.." Ethan sounded desperate and was masking his anger trying to be calm. "Come with me for a second and tell me what happened. Hmm?" He bent down to my height and met my tear glistened eyes.
"Can we please talk tomorrow? I just wanna go home now." I begged. I didn't want to cry my eyes out in front of him and I knew I was on verge of doing it.
Ethan slammed the glass of liquor on the table, making me flinch.
"Ethan come on man..." Nick tried to speak but was cut off.
"Just shut the fuck up Nick, this is between me and my girl... back off." Ethan growled.
"Calm the fuck down man, she was fucking man handled by a drunkard minutes ago and you're making it worse for her. If she wants to go home and call it a day, let her do it. Why the fuck are you being a retard right now." Nick snapped, and spilt something that I didn't want Ethan to know.
"Who was it?"
"Jake Gregor!" Nick answered. "And don't worry I knocked him out before anything bad happened."
Ethan cupped my cheeks to inspect my face, "where did he touch you?"
"He... he pulled me by my arm and then wrist.." I held the wrist he grabbed so harshly towards my chest.
Ethan gently held my arm, "it's bruised! He fucking hurt her man." He sounded angry again.
"Don't worry Eth, we'll take care of him. Now there's people waiting for you. You need to calm down." Chandler finally spoke.
Ethan's behaviour took me by surprise, did he really care about me? He's here with his girlfriend and what am I to him? He really looked like he could rip Jake apart right now.
"I'll get Nick to drop you off home.. okay?" He spoke so gently.
"It's ok, Maisie is taking me home.." I said.
"Eth honey, daddy wants to talk to you.." An annoying Samantha screeched walking towards us.
"Later Sam, I'm very busy right now." He glared at her making her glance my way and walk away without another word.
"Are you sure, you'll be okay?" He asked and I nodded.
"Tomorrow first thing in the morning I'm coming to see you, no excuses. Understand?" He asked and I nodded again.
"Use your words princess!"
"Yes." I whispered.
He held my chin to pull me into a kiss but I stopped him. "Ethan, my dad!"
He hummed rubbing my bruised arm before letting me go. Tonight I definitely saw a crazy possessive side to him. And like Ethan said tomorrow is the day I'm going to ask him about everything between him and Samantha Cruz. Dreading the answers I might get.

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