Chapter Twenty Eight

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I woke up at about 7.30pm and looked around the dimly lit bedroom. Sitting up on the bed, I looked at the balcony to see Ethan talking to someone on the phone, wearing just a pair of pants and his upper body completely bare, looking like a stunner. I couldn't stop staring at his perfectly sculpted body.

He noticed me getting off the bed and came up to me

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He noticed me getting off the bed and came up to me.
"Hi." I squeaked looking at him half naked in front of me.
"Slept well princess?" He asked pecking my cheek.
"Hmm." I bit my lip.
"Come let's eat!" Ethan held my hand as he took me the dining room.
On the table were a variety of Chinese takeout foods enough to feed more than two people.

On the table were a variety of Chinese takeout foods enough to feed more than two people

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"Is someone coming over?" I asked.
"No, why?" Ethan asked confused.
"That's a lot of food." I looked over the table.
Ethan just laughed... "baby, you haven't eaten since morning. I bet you're hungry. Come sit!" He spoke behind my ear. I took my seat and Ethan began serving me a plate.

"Ethan I can't eat all of it.." I whined as he kept putting food on my plate. Ignoring my complaints he placed my plate in front of me and got one for himself. We began eating making small talks here and there. By the time Ethan was done with his second serving of food. I was still unable to finish half of what was on my plate.
"I'm full!" I dropped my cutlery and pouted at him.
"No! Finish your plate." He tried to sound serious.
"I have no space.." I tapped on my tummy.
"Really? Let me see." Ethan grinned as he tried to lift my dress. I smacked his hand and picked up our plates, bringing them to the faucet.

After washing and putting the plates away, Ethan got us one plate of New York style cheesecake and fresh strawberries. He then took me to the living room and sat on a very comfy couch in front of the tv. We sat really close to each other while picking our own forks and enjoying the delicious cheesecake. After a few bites of cheesecake, I picked a ripe strawberry and bit into it, licking my bottom lip when it's juice dribbled down to my lip. All the while my eyes were on the tv that played a random movie. I bit into the strawberry again and looked towards Ethan, who had just dropped his fork, and kept staring at me the whole time. A blush crept up my lips when I saw the lust on his eyes. I offered him the last bite of my strawberry, he eyed the strawberry on my hand and then my lips. He pushed my hand down and took my lips in a swift movement.

Before I knew it, I was straddling him on his lap, as he kept ravishing my lips. After pulling apart, I bit down on my swollen lip and noticed my hands on his bare hard chest. He seemed to notice me checking out his body, so he laid back on the couch, letting my hands slowly trace his chest. I ever so gently admired every inch of chest with my fingers trailing along. Little by little I moved down to his abs and his hold on my waist tightened. He looked so relaxed as my hands were moving all over his upper body. Without realizing what I was doing with my fingers I trailed to the lower part of his abs and Ethan let out a groan. I immediately pulled my hand away.
"Sorry." I whispered.
"Why'd you stop?" He asked.
"I... don't... know." Honestly didn't want to take my hands off his body.
"Are you gonna go further down than that?" He asked looking down at his abs.
I shook my head quickly.
"Do you even know what you did to me?" He smirked.
I shook my head again.
In an instant he pulled my hips closer to his, and my eyes widened when I felt his hard member. I gasped and tried to move away but his hands didn't budge. Ethan quickly straightened his posture and looked me in the eye. Feeling his eyes on me and his boner getting harder by time, I began to feel the shivers run down to my core. I so badly wanted to squeeze my legs together but since I was in the strangling position, it felt impossible. Ethan took my lower lip in between his teeth, gently pulling it and letting it go. He came closer again and slightly brushed his lips on mine, and moved away smirking. His hands got under my dress and began rubbing my thighs smoothly, while he was teasing my lips. Eventually he kissed my lips, and I bit back a moan.
"I... love... you..." He kissed me in between each word. I could only gasp as he pulled me in for a deep kiss.
"I love you too." I spoke as soon as we pulled apart breathlessly.
He kissed me one final time.
"I need to stop now princess, or I wouldn't be able to control myself after this." He smiled at me while withdrawing his hand away. I moved my hands around his neck this time and got closer to him.
"What if.... I don't want you to stop?" I asked biting my lip in the end.
Ethan gave me a smirk, "are you sure baby?"
I nodded shyly.
"What do you want?" He asked knowing exactly what I needed.
" I want you.."

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