Chapter Twenty Three

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First of all, thank you all for spending time to read my book. Your reads, votes and comments keep me going.
Love you all! Stay safe my wonderful people! Xoxo 💋

The following days have been great with Ethan. He's been the caring boyfriend that I've always wanted, but there have been times when he gets a little possessive too, like the time when a barista winked at me and he threatened the poor guy's life for it and tried to get him fired, which I stopped him from doing and that happened to make him grumpy the whole day. Apart from that, yes he's been amazing.
So today Ethan was picking me up for his family dinner, and I was going to meet up with his parents and friends. I wasn't too nervous about it because I've met them before and for a fact I know they like me already.
I was getting ready, when Maze text me that she'll be there with Michael, which sounded like fun. I let my hair down, leaving it in it's natural waves, since that's how Ethan likes it too. And put on some light make up and wore a peach dress.

I waited for Ethan to come pick me up, and that's when I heard Akira's room door close, which meant she was home

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I waited for Ethan to come pick me up, and that's when I heard Akira's room door close, which meant she was home. I hadn't been able to talk or see her properly the last few days so I went and knocked on her door only to have no answer. Instead I heard the shower run. Assuming she's in the shower, I went back to the living room, just then I heard Ethan's car. Grabbing the bunch of peonies I bought for Stella and my phone, I walked out to be greeted by my handsome boyfriend.

A blush still creeps up on me when I realized he was checking me out as I walked up to him

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A blush still creeps up on me when I realized he was checking me out as I walked up to him. Before he could do it, I stood on my tippy toes even while wearing heels and kissed him on the lips which took him by surprise.
"Hi!" I spoke up excitedly.
"Hi gorgeous.." he replied huskily, kissing my collarbone giving me chills down to my spine.
"Do we have to go to my mum's place? With you looking like that, I wanna have you all to myself baby.." his eyes were shamelessly roaming all over my body.
"Of course Ethan, you're late already." With that we left to his to see his parents.

When we arrived I was stunned by the exterior of the house, it was grand and all lit up for the night.

"Ethan it's beautiful

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"Ethan it's beautiful.." I told him as we walked up to the door.
He smiled at me, "watch your step princess." He held my hand as we went up the stairs towards the door.
Before we could knock, the door opened to be greeted by Stella.
"Ethan, you're late.." she tried to look angry but failed as she saw me, "Kiara come in darling, pretty as always!" She said as she took me into her magnificent house or should I say mansion. "Come come come, you have to meet my sisters and friends." With that she dragged me away from Ethan, I glanced back at him while he stood near the entrance with the biggest smile on his face.
When Stella brought me into the kitchen, I met a couple of ladies by the kitchen and dining table. "Ladies meet my son's girlfriend, Kiara!" She told them quite proudly.
"This is Scarlett and that's Suzanne my sisters. And that's Emma and Maggie my best friends.." Stella pointed to the ladies, I walked to greet each of them.
"So she's the lucky girl to have our Ethan huh?" Maggie asked Stella.
"Ethan's lucky to have her Maggie. Give me a second darling, I'll go check on the potatoes.." Stella said.
"Let me help you." I walked with her to the kitchen.
"I've made whipped garlic potatoes, pan crisped chicken breasts, slow cooked beef and some salad and... for dessert Martha my home chef said she'll make some brownies, right Martha? She glanced at the chef who was prepping the ingredients.
"Yes ma'am!" She smiled at us.
"Umm Stella...Is it okay if I make the brownies tonight?" I asked, it's easy and will be ready in thirty minutes.
"Sweetie are sure? Will Eth..." I cut her off.
"Yes, don't worry!" With that I began to make some brownies, while Stella and a few of the ladies did other chores.
"Stel... oh Kiara what are you doing here?" Uncle Nolan stopped by and before I could reply Stella spoke.
"Kiara, wanted to make the brownies for dessert."
"Smells amazing dear, how's dad?" He asked.
"He's good uncle." I replied while whisking the ingredients.
"Mum, where's Kiara?" Ethan walked in and laid his eyes on me.
"She's making brownies." All the ladies chorused making me laugh and Ethan to scowl at them while making his way to me.
"Hey you okay? Chandler and Nick asked for you." He spoke standing beside me.
"Yeah I'll come, this will be done in fifteen minutes" I said as I placed the tray in the oven.
"Yeah Kiara was telling us how she wanted to woo you with her magic brownies." Emma teased.
"Magic brownies? I never said that." I couldn't stop the giggle.
"Oh but you said you wanted to woo me huh?" Ethan teased me further.
"I didn't say any of it, trust me!" I was still giggling. Ethan just watched me laugh and then kissed my cheek in front of all these ladies.
"Ugh when are you children gonna give me grandkids? I'm growing old here!" Scarlette exclaimed, making me blush furiously and Ethan to smirk.
"Leave them alone girls, darling go with Ethan I'll get the brownies out of the oven when they're ready." Stella smiled at me as I took Ethan's hand and walked out of the kitchen as red as a cherry.
Seated outside with the boys, I heard a car pull over and it was Michael and Maisie.
Hugging Maze, while the boys greeted each other. I scooted close to her and had our little girly chat.
Once dinner was ready, we went to the dining table and met up with everyone else. The food tasted amazing, Stella was indeed a good cook. After dessert, they all told me that the brownies tasted good, which made me happy. I had a really good time with Ethan's family.

Finally bidding goodbye to everyone, Ethan and myself headed back home. The drive was short and with big hug and a hungry kiss, he let me go inside the house.

When I got home all the lights were out except for the kitchen light so I walked in and sat on the stool and took my heels off. Then I went to the fridge to get some iced water before bed. As I stood by the fridge I felt someone's presence behind me and I turned around with in a second, dropping the bottle of water on the floor. The frightening sight before me made me freeze for seconds before I could speak out.

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