Chapter Thirty Three

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It took me a second to turn around. And when I did, Ethan stood before me with an emotion that I couldn't decipher.
I sucked in a breath, "I'm sorry." I said quietly.
Not being able to look at his eyes, I lowered my eyes to his shiny shoes and played with the strap of my dress. Ethan lifted my face by holding my chin, and locking eyes with him which only made me want to kiss him because I've missed him like crazy for the last couple of days.
"Kiara.." Ethan called me out of my thoughts.
"I don't wanna do this girlfriend boyfriend thing anymore. Let's break up.." he continued with a straight face but nothing else struck me but the words "let's break up!"
"I .. I umm understand. Sure we c.. could break up. I'm sorry for everything though." I spoke feeling lifeless like. I mean I get it I haven't been the perfect girlfriend to him. He deserves someone better. I nodded to myself and swallowed hard when Ethan shook my shoulders. I heard him chuckle.
"You didn't hear anything I said after that?" I saw amusement in his eyes. He can't be happy over our breakup, can he?
I shook my head with furrowed eyebrows.
He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, looking frustrated.
I hear whispers from Chandler and Nick behind me.
Ethan sighed as he held my hand.
"I said let's break up because I'm tired of the girlfriend boyfriend thing." Those hurtful words struck me again but I had to listen to him further so I did. "I wanna make you my wife. Princess will you marry me?" He let go of my hand and knelt down, pulling out a velvety blue box. I gasped when I realized what's happening. HE WANTS TO MARRY ME! I looked into his eyes, that stared back at me for my answer. I opened my mouth but I didn't have the words, instead I nodded my head like crazy and whispered a yes. And as you all know there came the waterworks, I couldn't stop it. I felt the coldness of a ring slide on to my ring finger, before Ethan stood up in all his height and took me his arms. I hugged him back so tightly never wanting to let go of this man I love so very much.
"She said YES!" Chandler yelled out really loud and I noticed my family and Ethan's family walk through the path and then followed by Maisie, Michael and aunt Linda.
Smiling through my tears I looked up at my man, "I love you!" I whispered.
"I love you more princess. You have no fucking idea!" He said wiping my tears away. The next second we kissed, Ethan held my waist so firmly and deepened the kiss, I forgot about the eyes on us and simply enjoyed his lips on my mine.
"Do you like it?" He spoke holding my left hand and looking down on it. Only then I noticed the shiny piece of jewellery on my finger.

It's was a gorgeous oval shaped diamond adorned by smaller diamonds around it, it looked stunning and surprisingly suited my dress

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It's was a gorgeous oval shaped diamond adorned by smaller diamonds around it, it looked stunning and surprisingly suited my dress.
"It's beautiful" I looked at the ring, "and it suits my dress. See!" I showed it to him by placing my hand on my shoulder.
He smiled at me pecking my lips again, "that was the plan baby, I picked the ring, then found this dress for you. You look ravishing." He eyed me from head to toe.
"But Maze.. oh!" It struck me that he planned all this and kept it a secret.
"Oh my god Ethan!" I shook my head and he smiled victoriously.

After everyone's hugs and wishes, dad and Stella were overly emotional. It took them a while to calm down. Maze told me how Ethan picked the dress and wanted her to give it to me and how everything was planned. I was amazed at how he wanted it to be perfect.

"Can I steal my fiancé please?" Ethan slid his hands around my waist from behind me, as he spoke to Maze.
"Hmm let me think about it.." Maze placed her finger on chin tapping it. "Of course!" She giggled before walking away giving Ethan a small hug.

I turned and he pulled me close to him.
"Hi." I spoke rubbing his stubble gently.
"Hi sweetheart." He smiled at me.
"I can never forget this day, thank you!"
"Thank you for saying yes baby. I was bloody nervous I know it's too soon but I couldn't wait and I still can't wait to start my life with you as my wife. Imagine having six or more kids. It's a great beginning!" He spoke so sincerely.
My eyes widened, "six kids? Are you for real?" I shook my head hoping he was joking.
"Yeah or more. Especially three baby girls, oh my god if they looked just like you, princess there's nothing else I'd value in the world." He kissed me.
I pulled away from the kiss, "please tell me you're joking."
"I'm fucking serious baby." He chuckled, "plus I've begun building the perfect house for you and our future kids. I'll take you there tomorrow." He winked at me.
He seriously planned things out before asking me to marry him. How did I even get so lucky?

One by one everyone began to leave and Ethan wanted me to spend the night with him at the penthouse, to which I agreed.
We walked out of the venue when Ethan whispered, "the plan was six kids, so we might have to start tonight baby."
"Shh" I said looking around If anyone was close to us, luckily they weren't.
"Please don't tell me you're already in the mood." I bit my lip when I noticed his lust filled eyes.
"You have no idea, I could take you in the car right away." He held me by the waist and pecked my lips again, clearly not patient enough to get home. Thankfully dad and Akira left a minute ago followed by his parents.
"Ethan!" I spoke after the kiss.
"Hmm?" He asked still eyeing me like a predator.
"Let's go home now." I guess I needed him just as much he needed me. In a swift move I was in his arms again.
"I love you sweetheart!"
"And I love you more!"


Much love to my lovely readers for keeping this book going. Thank you so much! ❤️
I might be doing a few bonus chapters later on.
You guys made this book happen for me even when I felt like I wasn't good enough. I'm forever grateful.
Please comment and let me know what you think about the book.
And don't forget to vote!
Stay safe! ❤️❤️

PiperQuinn 🧜🏻‍♀️

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