Chapter Thirty One

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Later that night I went through the gorgeous dress Maze had picked for me to wear for her engagement party. It looked stunning, and definitely over the top for a small party. Since Maze has insisted I had to wear it for the party, I couldn't deny. Akira and I had settled on what footwear we needed, along with the necessary jewellery. Thanking Maze one more time for the dress through text, I stared at my phone longing for Ethan to call me. I thought I'll give him a day and see how he is tomorrow. Distressed over our interaction in the morning and how quiet he was throughout the day, I waited patiently for the following day. My phone buzzed just then and it was Ethan.

"Still at the club with the boys. Go to sleep. Love you!" Ethan's text was plain and simple.
"Love you more." I replied back and fell asleep.

Since aunt Linda was busy today with Maisie's engagement, I decided to go to the bakery early. Ethan text me he'd be here in five minutes so I simply wore my light blue jeans and a white T-shirt, tying my hair in a high messy ponytail. As I went downstairs I heard Ethan's car, bidding goodbye to my family I walked outside and just like yesterday he stayed in his car, not even glancing at me.

Disappointment washed over me as yesterday's scenarios repeated

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Disappointment washed over me as yesterday's scenarios repeated. I walked up to his stupid car grumpily and might have slammed the door close a little harder than I should have. This caught his attention, as he dropped his phone in the cup holder and spoke.
"You okay baby?" He placed his hand over my head as if smoothing out my messy hair. Ignoring his touch I pulled the seatbelt and buckled it.
"Hmm." I hummed and crossed my hands over my chest.
"Is it that time of the month princess?" He chuckled, as if fuelling my anger further. He can't be pinning this on me when he clearly was the one acting weird since yesterday.
"I don't know... are you on your period?" I snapped at him.
He opened his mouth to say something but shook his head as he began to drive. It was complete silence and I couldn't wait to get out of his car. As soon as we reached the bakery, I opened the door, "don't bother picking me up tomorrow, I'll go with dad." I said as I stepped outside but Ethan was quick to pull me in.
"Kiara, it's been a rough day love. Just bear with me." He spoke wearily.
"It's better if you just tell me Ethan, instead of ignoring me the whole day."
"I know baby, it's just that.." he rubbed his temples, "I'll see you tonight, okay?"

Dad drove me home from the bakery since Ethan was busy "at work". I felt completely restless because of Ethan's behaviour lately. Not being in the mood for the party, I just laid on the bed.
"Kiki... get ready!" Akira yelled walking through my bedroom door.
"Akira let me have a small nap" I closed my eyes as she plopped on the bed.
"What? No! Kiki..." she kept bouncing on the bed, trying to wake me up from my nap.
"Fine!" I dragged myself out of the blanket and began to get ready with her.
A nice hot shower made me feel a little better, wrapping myself in a towel I came out to see Akira all dressed up. She looked amazing in a beige short dress.

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