Chapter Fifteen

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The whole day at the bakery seemed very slow and I wasn't in the right mind to focus on anything, I knew I can't let Ethan come in the way of my work but I at least needed a day to sort myself out of this. It hurt me so much to know that all the sweet things he said to me meant nothing when he already had a stunning girlfriend, why did he have to play with my feelings. Before I knew it my face was stained with tears, rushing into the washroom I cried it all out quietly and washed my face. Looking at my reflection on the mirror I realized how I was nothing compared to The Samantha Cruz, she was perfection, in fact the perfect match for Ethan. What was I thinking when someone like him wanted to get to know me, I was just a damn girl he wanted to bed. Ethan was a freaking playboy, he knew he'd have any girl he wanted. Disgusted by the thought I dried my face went outside.

Following a long day at the bakery, I managed to drag myself into bed and called Maisie.
(M- Maisie and K- Kiara)
M "Hello!"
K "I just called you, cause I felt lonely."
M "I'm sorry baby, I couldn't hide it from you. I had to tell you before he'd hurt you further. I hope you understand?"
K "I know you meant well Maze, and I'm glad you let me know. I just feel so stupid for falling for all of it so quickly."
M "He's known for his flirtatious skill love, you can't be an exception. Stop beating yourself up."
K "Hmm"
M "And coming to think of it Kiara, you can't just cut him off like that, your families always get together for all occasions."
K "That's the hardest part Maze, I can't even look at him, right now I want him a thousand miles away from me."
M "Don't worry babe, give yourself sometime, you'll heal and I suppose it's been only a little while you've known him so I bet he wouldn't have made such an impact on you.. right?!"
K "Yes..."
I lied to Maisie about that last bit. After hanging up with Maze, I began to browse for a bit when curiosity got the best of me. Ethan wasn't on Instagram so I typed Samantha Cruz in the search bar, and her page showed up in an instant. I clicked on her name and in a minute my heart ached looking at the picture she put up with Ethan and herself smiling at the camera, with a caption that said, "With him ❤️"

 I clicked on her name and in a minute my heart ached looking at the picture she put up with Ethan and herself smiling at the camera, with a caption that said, "With him ❤️"

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The picture showed the both of them all smiles while they were surrounded by two other men, probably his or her bodyguards I assumed. Looking at the photo for more than a few minutes I got out of the app and made up my mind to never let that freaking playboy near me. I will ignore his calls if he ever cares to call me and I shall never make direct contact with him, he's nothing but trouble. Then it hit me about the party and that's the day he lands, so this meant I'll have to see him there. "With the help of Maze I'm hoping I don't catch his eye." I muttered to myself before sleeping.

The following days have been dull and it felt like every magazine couldn't shut up about his girlfriend and him. Even though it caused a slight pang in my heart, I knew better to not let it bother me too much. A part of me also hoped if he'd still remember me, maybe send me a text or anything but of course who am I kidding? I got nothing since Ethan was quite busy catching up with his actual girlfriend. Thinking about him every now and then made my eyes watery and my heart ache. I hate you Ethan Lancelan. Why did you do this to me?

In the evening when aunt Linda and I were sipping a cup of coffee during our break,
"Ms. Kiara Sage?" Someone called from the entrance.
"Yes?" I walked up to the boy, who handed me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers with a printed note that said,
"Baby, I miss you and
I can't wait to hold you soon.

"Thank you!" I gave that boy a small smile and watched him walk back to the van before rushing into the office, giving the bouquet of flowers a final glance and then right after dumping it into the trash can

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"Thank you!" I gave that boy a small smile and watched him walk back to the van before rushing into the office, giving the bouquet of flowers a final glance and then right after dumping it into the trash can. I came outside to look at a confused aunt staring at me, demanding for an explanation.
"Um just some guy, who keeps on bothering me aunt Linda. He needs to stop." I said with irritation. Why send me flowers now? Does he think I'm really stupid to not notice the magazines and pictures.
"Well seems like he's trying really hard.." she chuckled.
"You hav no idea." I rolled my eyes sipping my last bit of coffee.

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