Chapter Sixteen

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On the day of the party...
Akira, Maze and myself headed into the venue before dad, just to see if everything was set up for the guests. I wore my burgundy dress with gold heels and did a simple hair style.

Entering the hotel gave me chills of even thinking of having to face Ethan today and I swore to myself that I'll stay away from his eye sight, I was clearly not ready to confront him about anything that I heard in the past few days

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Entering the hotel gave me chills of even thinking of having to face Ethan today and I swore to myself that I'll stay away from his eye sight, I was clearly not ready to confront him about anything that I heard in the past few days. In fact today is supposed to be a day to have a good time and I'm not going to let him spoil my mood. As we walked in, the manager took us into the venue and it looked gorgeous just the way we planned it. Akira and Maze were quite busy with their own chit chat so I opened my clutch and pulled my phone out and there weren't any missed calls from "him". I assumed he wouldn't have arrived yet so I turned off my phone, knowing that dad would call Akira when he notices mine is switched off.

"Oh darling, you look stunning!" I heard the cheerful voice of Stella behind me.
"Hello, you look so beautiful Stella.." I smiled and gave her a hug. Even though I had a feeling she might have known her son's playboy ways and still wanted me to go out with him, Stella seemed nice and warm towards me so I was being the same to her. Uncle Nolan stood beside dad so I walked up to them and stayed with my dad for a while and the guests began to arrive making me a little nervous, I only hoped to get over the day without coming across Ethan.
"How did Ethan let a gorgeous creature like you all alone in this party..huh?"
I turned around to see where that voice came from and it was Nick. Oh god, his friends are here and they have seen me, has he arrived?
"Uh hi Nick.. " I spoke awkwardly.
He just chuckled, "Ethan should be here in a bit right? Michael dragged me in here really early, hoping to see some chick he met a couple of days ago." He scratched the back of his head motioning his head towards Michael, and I let out a giggle when I saw him speaking to Maze.
"What's so funny?" Nick looked at me curiously.
"That's my cousin." I shook my head, holding back a laugh. Maze and Michael do make a lovely couple and plus Michael didn't seem like the one to play around with girls. Maze glanced towards me and she looked all red and shy, it was really cute to see her like that. I was happy her. Nick met his friends in a few minutes and went with them to have a drink, I sighed in relief and sat with Akira after giving Michael a small wave.
An hour into the party, the people filled in and dad introduced us to his friends. Coming across so many people dad finally introduced me to one of his friend's son.
"Kiara meet Jake, this is Mr. Gregor's son."
I looked at the guy standing opposite us with his hand stretched out. "Hi Kiara." He spoke as I shook his hands. "Hello." I smiled and before I could pull my hand out he placed his lips on it and looked up and down at me, making me cringe. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He smirked.
"Same here." Managing to pull my hand out I felt him stare at my cleavage, making me feel very awkward so I stepped back and Akira shook hands with him and he left to the bar.

" Managing to pull my hand out I felt him stare at my cleavage, making me feel very awkward so I stepped back and Akira shook hands with him and he left to the bar

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"Kiki, I'm so bored.." Akira whined as we reached our seats beside a quiet Maze.
"Why don't you grab something to eat Akira?" I suggested to my grumpy sister, food makes anyone feel better, right? Watching her hop away, I turned towards Maisie.
"What?" She asked looking my curious stare.
"Why do you look like a tomato?" I raised my eyebrow.
"No! No, I don't Kiki." Maisie blushed even harder.
"Oh really? What did he say?" Laughing at my cousin I asked her about Michael.
"Well, he just spoke cause we met the other day at the mall right. And I don't know he kind of wanted my number and I... might... have given it to him."
"Maze, Michael is a nice guy. I'm so happy for you." I squeezed her hand.
"Yeah I'm not gonna think about it too much, I mean see what Ethan did to you. Michael is his friend after all." Her mood dropped after saying that.
"Don't worry babe, take it slow and see where it goes. You know better." I smiled at her and I always knew Maisie was always the straight forward, outspoken sister out of us. She would never make the same mistake I did. Feeling a pair of eyes my way I looked in that direction and I saw Jake sipping some alcohol and staring right at me. When he noticed I saw him he smirked at me again, this guy definitely gave out some creepy vibes. I avoided his stare and turned towards Maze again.

Suddenly the music began to fade away and we heard the MC's voice.
"A very good evening ladies and gentlemen, I hope you're enjoying the party..." he continued, "now we would like to spice the event a little bit more with a very special guest, she's made it all the way here just to be at the party just for us." He spoke making everyone glance towards the entrance and back at the MC. The lights dimmed out and the entrance had a spotlight, when the doors opened there stood the stunning looking actresses Samantha Cruz, and she gracefully walked in with her boyfriend Ethan Lancelan who looked absolutely handsome in a suit, you could see all the men eyeing Samantha and the ladies of course had theirs eyes on the playboy himself.

As they walked in Samantha looked at Ethan so lovingly and he failed to notice that, since his eyes went all around the ballroom as if he was looking for someone

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As they walked in Samantha looked at Ethan so lovingly and he failed to notice that, since his eyes went all around the ballroom as if he was looking for someone. A part of my stupid head hoped he was looking for me but the sensible side said he had other things to be bothered about and having a lady like Samantha beside him, why would he even bother to glance my way. I looked down to my lap not able to look at them together anymore.
"He's looking for you Kiki... look" Maze nudged my arm.
"No Maisie, he's here with his girlfriend." I swallowed the lump in my throat.
They walked up to the main stage, where the MC stood and Ethan helped Samantha up on the stage and stepped back, whispering something to his mum and she replied with a smile. He kept glancing all around the hall with a hardened jaw and a very serious face. What was he thinking? He definitely didn't look very happy until the MC grabbed his attention.
"Here she is ladies and gentlemen, one of the finest actresses of our time, Samantha Cruz!" Everyone applauded for her and she looked very poise and seemed like she was used to this kind of attention all the time. "A few words for us please.." he gave her the mic.
"Hi everyone," she squealed on the mic.
"Ugh such an annoying voice for a pretty face, don't you think?" Maze spoke while rolling her eyes.
" I feel so great to be here tonight, and a special thanks to Eth for bringing me here." She showed all her teeth to him, to which he gave her a simple nod. Does he really love this woman, it doesn't even look like it. Why I sound so curious and jealous. Oh god I need to leave, I'm losing my mind.
"Ms. Cruz and Mr. Lancelan could you both please dance together to start the couples dance on the dance floor." The MC asked looking towards Ethan and he stepped forward to hold Samantha's hand and brought her to the dance floor. Samantha elegantly snaked her hands around Ethan's neck and he placed his hands on her waist and they swayed to the music. Samantha couldn't stop the smile on her face and it was very obvious that she was very fond of him. I seriously wasn't prepared for this tonight. Looking at them together just made me so uneasy and made me realize how much I had fallen for him. Wait.. what?
I already fell for Ethan?
Oh god, what's wrong with me?
Feeling my throat dry I gulped up my water and walked to the washroom in need of some fresh air.

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