Drawings and Old Enemies

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Tim's POV

As i sat down on Nico's bed there was one thing I noticed, nothing in this room was personalized.

No pictures on the walls, no band posters no nothing. The only thing that was different about the room was the duffel-bag laying on the ground at the far end of the room.

First i just kinda sat there looking stupidly at him for a good few seconds. Then he walked over to the duffel-bag, opened it and got out something from the top of it.

"Here's a picture that i drew while at this summer camp" he said shyly as he handed me the drawing. And to be honest...it was breathtaking:

(All credits to original artist)

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(All credits to original artist)

"It was the first time i tried to draw a person" Nico explained as he looked down shyly.

Before i could tell him how amazing the drawing was i saw him handing me a few more drawings.

I looked up at him as he said "there's a little story to each drawing" he then sat down beside me on the bed.

"May i hear the stories?" I asked softly. First he looked a bit surprised that i took interest, but after a few milliseconds me nodded.

Nico's POV

I pointed to the drawing i had made of Will and started explaining.

"This one is of my friend Will. He asked me to draw him after he just had been out getting home herbs"

I then handed him the next drawing which was of a pomegranate.

I then handed him the next drawing which was of a pomegranate

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(None of this art is mine)

"This one is of my favorite fruit the pomegranate. You cant even guess how many times this thing has saved my life!" I exclaimed.

He looked at me curiously and I quickly added "not literally of course". He then nodded to himself and urged me to continue.

 He then nodded to himself and urged me to continue

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(BTW I loooooove BNHA!)

"This is from an anime that i adore" i looked fondly at the drawing remembering all the good nights in my room i would watch My Hero Academiea for hours.

Suddenly(a wild Pokémon appeared! Sorry bad pun...) a hand grabbed my wrist and i looked surprised up at Tim whom looked very surprised.

"What? You watch Boku No Hero Academiea too!?" He exclaimed excitingly.

"Oh my gods! YES I LOVE IT!" I replied with just as much enthusiasm.

Now we were both just inches apart as he looked deeply into my eyes. As we both realized the position we were in, I quickly pulled away. As i felt the sudden warmth of blood rushing to my face.

"Ah, eh sorry about that..." Tim quickly said, but before i could reply i heard something on the loudspeakers:

"Everyone evacuate the mansion! This is not a drill! I repeat this is not a drill!" It sounded like Alfred's voice.

"Come on!" Tim said grabbing my hand dragging me out of my room and down the stairs where we were met my none other than...

"Oh how nice of you to join us!" a man with green hair and deathly pale makeup on said happily.

I looked over at Tim only to be met by a pair of eyes burning with hatred for this mystery's man.

"Joker..." he said slowly like he had to make sure this wasn't some sort of nightmare.

"Ahh so we meet again little Timmy" Joker said completely unaffected by the angry boy beside me.

"Uh Tim who is this?" I asked, a little intimidated by his cheerfulness.

He looked at me rage still burning in his eyes. "That's who killed our last brother...Jason"

Ah don't you just love cliffhangers?

Anyway I apologize for the wait. I had actually totally forgotten about updating until my sister reminded me. Sooo thanks sis!


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