Poison is a dirty way of fighting

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I looked at him first confused then as realization me i looked at him with empathy in my eyes as i said "I'm so sorry Tim". He looked back at me saying "Thank you".

"Well isn't this a happy moment!" 'Joker' said cackling maniacally. I turned to him getting in an fighting position ready to pounce this Green Haired Psychopath like an animal at any moment, but suddenly as i was only seconds away from jumping at him i heard a 'Swoosh' and there stood three figures in Super-suits.

I immediately figured that the full black one was Batman. The other one was dressed in yellow, green and a tiny bit of blue that must be Robin. The last one was wearing black like Batman but with a blue mark of a bat on his chest signalizing that he was Nightwing.

"Ooh the birdies have come to play!" 'Joker one again cackled. "Joker, if you could come quietly with us no-one has to get hurt" Batman said in his unnaturally deep voice.

"Well its no fun if no-one gets hurt now is it Batsy?" Joker grabbed something out of his pocket. It was a knife. He threw it at Nightwing but he managed to barely dodge. It left a slight cut on his chin. Nightwing ignored the pain and lunged at Joker. Not noticing that it had hit Tim with the handle to his head causing him to black out.

Joker easily sidestepped Nightwings attack and pushed him to the ground. He then held him there for enough time to get a syringe with a light blue vial in it and stuck it right in between Nightwings shoulder blades. Pumping what was thought to be poison it's Nightwing's veins.

When Joker saw the scared faces of the other Bats he said "oh don't worry that's nearly enough poison to keep him out for a while" he paused before continuing "though it could damage his brain quite badly if you don't hurry and get him to the hospital" cackling one more he got out two longer knives and slowly started walking towards Batman, easily twirling them in his hands.

"Now Batsy lets play!" He lunged at Batman. He dodged the attack but Joker must have seen it coming because he used his leg to throw him off balance. Pushing Batman to the floor. He then took one of his knives pushing it slowly into Batman's chest. Just hard enough for it to draw blood.

"Ooh so the Bat does indeed bleed!"(if you get that reference you're my new Bestie). He continued pushing the knife down into Batman. More and more blood started oozing down his chest.

Then Robin finally took action. He bumped Joker off Batman with the side of his shoulder. Then he helped Batman up and grabbed hold of the knife in his chest, and ripped it out letting the blood drip down Batman's chest.

Joker got up and as Robin and Batman were busy he threw two darts with a green vial in them at the two bats. It hit Robin in the shoulder and hit Batman dangerously close to the open wound on his chest.

The two bats suddenly froze. Muscles tensed, and eyes wondering confused. "The dart you got injected by is made so that your body becomes fully paralyzed for a few minuets. Now i could just kill you right now, but where's the fun in that?" He looked over at Nico whom was also in full view for the two paralyzed males. "It's gone be so much more fun when you see all the stuff I'm gonna do to that little thing!" Joker said pointing his long skeleton like index finger towards Nico.

Instead of running Nico stood there for a few second then as he started walking towards Joker he desperately thought 'I hope Aphrodite's blessing really is as good as it sounds'. He started swaying his hips slowly as he walked up to there Joker stood. Then he trailed his finger from Jokers chin down seductively to his neck and continuing down. He looked up at Joker batting his long eyelashes while asking "sooo Joker, what was it you wanted to do to me again huh?" He he slithered one hand up into Jokers green hair while the other went to grab something inside his pocket.

Joker, too concentrated on Nico's big hypnotizing eyes to notice anything else started to put one of his own hands around Nico's waist. "Now, now what's your name pretty one?" Joker asked seduction tracing his voice. Nico once more batted his eyelashes innocently as he answers with a short "Nico" Joker dipped down so that he was uncomfortably close to Nico. "So Nicci do you know what my name is then?" The young boy only stared at him for a few seconds.

Then as Joker was about to say something else he felt a indescribable pain rise from his abdomen. He spit out some blood that had formed in his mouth as he looked down to find the knife that he had thrown at Nightwing sticking out from his stomach. He looked up at the black haired boy whom finally answered his question. "Of course i know. Your name is Jack Napier"(I searched up his real identity) Nico let him fall to the ground as he lay there. Unable to speak because of all the blood in his throat and mouth. "Here you shall lay. And don't think death will go easy on you" the once seductive boy said, eyes cold and hard as ice.

Nico turned on his heel and ran over to Nightwing whom lay spread out on the floor slightly hanging on to conciseness. Nico snapped his fingers to get the boys attention. "Hey do you hear me? Do you know if you can move?" Before any answer was giver he turned to check where a sound he had heard came from, and its lucky he did.

It was now clear that Joker had yet to let himself get swallowed my unconsciousness. He was laying on one hand while the other had another dart. This one had a silvery halo color. He laughed one last time as he then threw the last dart at Nightwing.

Nico acted on impulse and; jumped in front of the dart. Letting it pierce his pale skin, all of the halo liquid got pumped into his veins causing him to see black dots. Joker smiled his scarred creepy smile, while he explained "what you just got injected by is made to rearrange your DNA! So have a nice few weeks being both a cat and whatever other weird animals you're going to become. Now I'm going to take a nice long nap, good night!" He smiled once more before he fully blacked out.

Nico turned back to Nightwing now more aware of the poison in his shoulder. He sucked in a few breaths of air and dipped down to suck out what was still left of the poison in Nightwing shoulder (if a person was for example bit by a snake then the person bit or people around them must then suck out the poison and spit it on the ground before it goes fully though there veins. Just a little FYI). After spitting out the remains he turned to see that Batman and Robin could now move again and the paralysis had finally stopped having effect.

"Oh good you can move again" he said softly standing up. He looked at them before saying "do me a favor; catch me when i fall" right after he said it he lost consciousness and started falling to the ground. Due to Robins reflexes and Nico's warning he managed to catch Nico before he came in contact with the ground. He held him bridal style and started running down to the bat-cave for immediate medical attention. While Batman stood there wondering 'why would Joker attack the Waynes?'

Yay another chapter done! This one was extra long (1363 words). I hope that you enjoyed, and I'm still open for questions for the Q&A.


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