Chapter Twenty Four

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Stuart was in the bed while Evie was next to him and he play with her hair softly and she was asleep in his arms knowing that he wanted to see Tia and he heard his phone rang which was Tia  answered it

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Stuart was in the bed while Evie was next to him and he play with her hair softly and she was asleep in his arms knowing that he wanted to see Tia and he heard his phone rang which was Tia answered it.

"Hi Princess what's wrong?"
Stuart asked her as he looked at Evie who was asleep in his arms.

"When can you and mummy come home? I want to see you again."
Tia said as he looked at Evie.

"Maybe we will come home later don't worry."
Stuart said to her as she start to cry for him.

"I want you home daddy."
Tia cried as he sighed softly.

"I know you do Princess."
Stuart whispered as he didn't like hearing his daughter cries and Evie woke up as she heard Tia cries which she grab his phone.

"Tia Princess me and daddy will be home before you know it if you want you can wait by the window when we come home."
Evie said softly as she looked at Stuart softly.

"I want you home now."
Tia whimpered as she was crying down the phone.

"Tia Rae Broad calm down please we will be coming home to you."
Evie warned her as she looked at Stuart who frowned at her.

"Why are you snapping at her like that? Who does that to their child?"
Stuart asked her as she got out of the bed and grabbed her phone.

"Daddy did you and mummy had a fight?"
Tia asked him as he sighed softly.

"Yes we did."
Stuart mumbled which Tia heard him mumbled.

"Mummy doesn't like it when you mumbled."
Tia whispered as Stuart run his hand through his hair.

A week later

Stuart was in the bed next to Evie who stroking Tia hair softly and she was sleeping next to her mother and she woke up looking at her parents and she smiled at her. 

"Hey princess."
Evie whispered looking at her daughter but she doesn't want to tell her that she is pregnant yet she might guess.

"Nanny thinks that your pregnant but I don't think you're pregnant."
Tia said to her which she looked at Stuart who shrug at her.

"What would you do if I was pregnant?"
Evie asked her as she looked at her.

"Be the best sister."
Tia beamed in delight which Stuart chuckled at her.

"Well you might have to found out soon if mummy is pregnant or not."
Stuart suggested as Tia rest her head on Evie belly and she fell asleep but she woke herself up by sneezing which Evie giggles at her.

"It's not funny mummy."
Tia huffed as Evie looked at her softly.

"Mummy is sorry for giggling at you."
Evie said as they heard Adriana voice.

"Evelyn Broad when was you going to tell me?"
Adriana asked Evie who looked at her confused.

Evie asked her as Tia rubbed her face softly.

"That your coming home."
Adriana blurted as she frowned at her.

"I came home last week with Broady."
Evie said to her as she looked at Tia softly.

Two weeks later

Stuart was in the garden with Jimmy, Joe, Ben, Jason and Steven as they were sorting out BBQ and Melody got the gender reveal box which either got a cricket bat (Boy) or Cheer Bow (Girl) and she walked in as Tia looked at her mother who was standing to Evie mother Katherine yet Melody place the box in front of Evie and Stuart along with Tia.

"What do you think is it Tia?"
Stuart asked her as she looked at him.

"Baby sister."
Tia beamed as he looked at her and he let her open the box in front of everyone but she saw a cricket bat in the box as she start to cry and Jimmy, Joe and Ben high five Stuart which Tia went up to Evie as she picked her up.

"Mummy I wanted a sister not a brother daddy is going to give him more attention to him than me."
Tia cried as Evie looked at her.

"That's not true daddy is going to shower you and baby Broad with love."
Evie whispered as Stuart went up to Tia and she looked at him.

"Don't think I'm going to give all my attention to baby Broad I will give you my love no matter what I love you."
Stuart whispered as Tia giggles at him and Katherine came in with Harry and Kim as Tia looked at Evie.

"You're staying with me and Stuart he's just a deadbeat."
Evie whispered as she place her head inside of Evie neck and Harry walked over to Evie which Stuart stood in front of her.

"Just move Stuart Tia come to me."
Harry said to Tia who looked at Ben.

"I want uncle Ben mummy."
Tia said to her as she looked at her before looking at Ben who went up to them as she went to Ben which Harry draw out an gun which Steven went behind Harry and was about to hit Harry yet he pulled the trigger and heard a scream.

"Stuart stay with me baby."
Evie whispered as Stuart was on the grass and he looked at her.

"Daddy don't go please."
Tia begged as he looked at her softly.

"I'm not leaving ok help daddy sit up."
Stuart said to Tia who helped him up and he took off his shirt and he was wearing bulletproof vest which Evie dad gave to him.

"I thought I shot you dead."
Harry snapped as Ben went up to Harry and punched him.

"That's what you get for trying to kill Stuart you sick prick."
Ben warned as he wipe his mouth and he was about to grabbed the gun but Evie picked it up and place it against Harry head.

"You still this gun I could shot you dead but I don't want to so you're going to do me a favour and that is you have to deleted me from your memory for good because I'm not your girl I'm Stuart wife because I'm married to him."
Evie said to him as he went from her before he knocked her out which Ben went for Harry yet Stuart went up to Evie so did Steven.

"Evie wake up for me please."
Stuart begged her as she come around and she looked at Stuart.

"Am I on heaven?"
Evie asked him as he laughed at her. 

"No why?"
Stuart asked her as she looked at him.

"I think I found my angel name Stuart Broad."
Evie whispered as he chuckled and he kiss her in front of everyone which she kisses him back.

Chapter Twenty Four is finished.
It's a 💙 baby boy yet Harry had to ruin it.

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