Chapter Thirty Two

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12th January 2021Stuart was in the court with Evie as she was next to him and she was given her evidences to the judge and Mr

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12th January 2021
Stuart was in the court with Evie as she was next to him and she was given her evidences to the judge and Mr. Jackson was next to Harry and Evie mother Katherine was next to her daughter as Judge Michael came to his decisions and Evie looked at her mother and she didn't want to think.

"I have come to my decision and that is Mr. Kane granting half custody of Tia Broad."
Judge Michael announced as Evie looked at Harry who smirked at her.

"I disagree with that your honour I don't want him near my daughter he literally given up his parental rights in front of me and Stuart at the wedding and you want me to half custody to him."
Evie declared at him as he looked at her.

"Yes I do and if you don't give Mr. Kane time with Tia I will change my decision and give Mr. Kane full custody of Tia do you want me to do that?"
Judge Michael asked Evie as Katherine looked at the judge Michael.

"Your honour imagine that your daughter got forcibly raped by her boyfriend and she has to pretend that her child was her sister and her mum drops a bombshell tell her that her child isn't her sister but her daughter that's what happened to my daughter and you give half of custody to him."
Katherine snapped at him as Evie looked at her mother.

"Stop mum he's going to give him full custody to Harry but I can stop him if he lets Tia down right judge."
Evie said to him as he looked at Evie.

"Yes you can."
Judge Michael said to Evie as he walked away from us as he made his chose and Evie grabbed her bag as Harry was in the front with his lawyer Calvin as he saw Evie walked towards him.

"How could you? You gave up your parental rights in front of me and Stuart at the wedding so what made you change your mind?"
Evie asked him as Stuart watched on so did Tia.

"Because I want to see Tia to grow up and be a footballer not cricketer."
Harry said to her as she looked at him funnily.

"What's wrong of being an cricketer?"
Evie asked him as Harry looked at her.

"I don't want her to follow in Stuart footsteps ok I rather have her following my footsteps instead."
Harry snapped as Evie folded her arms at him.

"Well she loves doing cricket if you don't want her to play cricket go have a go at Stuart not me."
Evie snapped back as she walked away from him which Tia went up to Evie as she pick her up which Harry went up to them but she start to cry for Stuart who was holding Leighton in his arms.

"Well I want a day to spend with Tia wether you like it."
Harry said to Evie and she looked at him.

"Have to asked Stuart because she is really close to Stuart."
Evie said to him before walking away from Harry as she looked at Stuart who looked at Leighton and Tia looked at her mother.

"It's ok he's going to let you down and Stuart has to pick up the piece."
Evie said as Harry looked at her and she put Tia down as she took Leighton from Stuart who start to fussed.

"You really want me to let her down so he can pick up the piece."
Harry snapped at Evie who turned to face him and she looked at him.

"Yes because Stuart is a better father to Tia than you are."
Evie snapped back as she went from Harry.

"I would be a better dad to Leighton than Broad he's too old for you he could be your brother not your husband."
Harry said to her as she looked at Stuart before walking back to Harry.

"At least he know how to rock my world unlike you can."
Evie whispered as she tapped his cheek which he slapped her face and she looked at Harry in shocked yet Ben went for Harry.

"Ben stop it now get off him he's never ever going to see Tia she's got Stuart as her dad not him."
Evie pleaded at Ben got off from Harry who looked at Evie and she attend to Leighton who was crying as she calmed him down and Tia was next to Stuart who hold her hand softly which anger Harry and he got up walked towards him and took Tia away from him and walked off as she start to cry which he went from them yet Ben and Stuart went after him.

Later that day

Stuart was holding a tired Tia in his arms and Evie was in the bedroom with Leighton was on her chest sleeping as she heard Stuart voice which Leighton woke up crying.

"It's ok baby it's daddy and Tia that's all."
Evie cooed at Leighton who whimpered for his dad and Stuart came in with Tia in his arms.

"I think you should cut him out of her life for good because he just kidnap Tia from us and I don't want him near her for good."
Stuart said as Evie nodded at him.

"Don't worry I'm already seeing my lawyer my mum."
Evie suggested as she looked at him knowing that she doesn't even want Harry in Tia life anymore and Leighton woke up as she kisses his head softly knowing she loves her kids so much that she would do anything for them however Stuart laid Tia in the middle between him and Evie as he took Leighton from Evie as he rocked him gently although he was thinking about his future.

Stuart Dream

Stuart was in the stand with his wife Evie watching their kids playing cricket which Tia was playing for Derby Falcons while her brother Leighton was playing for Notts Outlaws and Falcons was bowling as Outlaws was batting and Tia bowled her brother which she celebrate the wicket as leighton shook his head at his sister.

"Don't worry Leighton you might get me out who knows."
Tia said to him as he looked at her before walking away from her and Outlaws post 176- 9 and Falcons required 177 runs to win the match as Tia was batting at number 4 and Falcons lost two wickets and Tia his brother for seven sixes as it was 170- 3 and Tia was still on the crease on 59 not out and Leighton run up and bowled to Danny who hit for a six as the match tied and Tia was on the crease as Leighton was annoyed with himself and Tia looked at her brother yet he bowled his sister who hit for four and she won the match for Falcons yet she went to her brother as she hugs him.

"Don't let the score affect you ok it's a game you win some and you lose some dad is proud of you so is mum and I'm proud of you as well."
Tia said to him as they went from each other as she celebrate with her teammates yet she saw her parents there smiling at her well her mum was smiling her dad wasn't smiling.

End of Stuart dream.

"What did you daydream about Stuart?"
Evie asked him as he looked at her causing her to giggles.

Chapter Thirty Two is finished.
Harry kidnapped Tia and Stuart a dream about Tia and Leighton playing cricket for Outlaws and Falcons.

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