Chapter 7 - Meaningless Objects

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I sat at the dining room table, scrolling through my phone while eating breakfast.

I had gotten the job at Kindred Spirits so I had been quite busy, but I had finally been given the day off.

Today was a day for pajamas.

Peyton and I had grown a lot closer over the past week because we had decided to hang out every day after work because neither of us had anything better to do.

If I thought about it, I hadn't seen Beetlejuice in awhile.

Not because I couldn't, but because I didn't.

And then, Beetlejuice floated into the living room. He wasn't normally up at this time which was one of the reasons why we didn't normally see each other.

Well, that was a little conciendental.

"Hi Beej!"

"Holy fuck, you're actually here."

"And holy fuck, you're actually up."

"I had to get up this early. I had important things to do."

"Like what?"

"Just Netherworld stuff.'

"Very specifc."

"You're welcome." He crossed his arms and placed them on the back of my chair. "So what're you doing here? Don't you have work?"

"Nope. I've got the day off, which means lounging around and doing nothing productive." I said as I got up from the table and put my dishes in the sink.

"We should do something." Beej leaned his back against mine, signaling his boredom.

"I just said lounging around and doing nothing productive. What did you not understand about that?"

"I do that all the time. We should do something. Like maybe ea-" I put my hand up to his mouth.

"Don't even finish that sentence." I thought for a moment. "I guess I do need to do some shopping. I think there's a mall a few towns over."

"That works, I guess. My offer still stands." His hair became fiery pink and he dropped his voice to a whisper, most likely thinking I couldn't hear what he said next. "Although if you take my offer, you won't be."

"The fuck did you just say?"

"Nothing!" His hair immediately returned to its original green. "Now let's get going. There's nothing to do here and I think some quality time would do us good." Beetlejuice smiled wide.

I crossed my arms and stared at him. "You don't give a shit about quality time do you?"

"No I do not. I just want to annoy the shit out of you."

"Well that's nothing new."

So much for pajamas.

As soon as I was dressed, I locked the door and hopped into my car. Beetlejuice sat in the passenger seat, ignoring the fact that his seat belt existed. Didn't much matter to me. He was dead anyways.

"You're gonna behave at the mall, right?"


I sighed. This was going to be a long day.

"Holy shit! This place is huge!"

Beetlejuice and I had arrived at the mall, which surprised me because he had almost crashed my car multiple times on the way here for 'entertainment purposes'.

"It's insane, right?"

We began walking past stores and as we did, Beej flew in and out of stores. He looked like a kid in a candy store.

"They've got churros, Y/N!" He flew towards the cart, stealing one away from the vendor when he wasn't looking.

"Beej!" I whispered. "You can't steal stuff."

"No promises."

I groaned. "I have to do some shopping. I'm going to be very nice and let you roam the mall, but if you get in any trouble, I will not take you anywhere for a month."

"Ok, ok. I get it. Behave." He still stood next to me, not even moving an inch.

"Aren't you gonna go do something?"

"Nope. I'm gonna stay by your side the whole day."

"Am I supposed to be flattered?" I said, crossing my arms and smirking.

"Nope, just annoyed." He fiddled with the zipper on my winter coat to see if I would in fact be annoyed."

"Your loss. The mall is pretty cool. And you get to see me everyday."

"Yeah, I'm pretty lucky." Beej whispered.

"What was that?"

"I said I'm pretty shitty."

"Aren't we all?"

He shrugged. "Most of us."

"Alright. Time to do some shopping."

A few hours later, my arms were loaded with bags from multiple stores.

Beetlejuice had, in fact, run off but not before annoying me for a couple of hours.

"Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice." I whispered under my breath.

A flash of green smoke, and there he was. And quite visible to the surrounding customers.

"It's a cool magic trick we learned." I said, sheepishly. None of the people around me seemed to buy it, but went on with their shopping.

"Shit, I was in the middle of something important."

"Highly doubt it. Now why don't you do something helpful and carry some of these bags for me."

"Why should I?"

"Because you're a nice demon like Casper the Fucking Friendly Ghost now fucking do it."

"Alright alright." He took a few bags from my hands. "And that guy is actually a real dick if you get to know him."

"Well you are too."

"I'd like to think I'm charmingly annoying."

"Whatever floats your boat."

After Beetlejuice and I had finally gotten home, and dumped all the bags on the floor, we fell on the couch.

"Today was fun." He said.

"Maybe for you but my arms and legs hurt like there's no tomorrow. Not to mention, my wallet is picked clean."

"Maybe if you hadn't spent all your money on this useless crap." Beetlejuice played with the new vase I had bought that now sat on my end table.

"It's not useless. I'll use it!" I looked away from him. "Eventually." I looked towards him again. "Where'd you run off to today?"

"Why? Were you worried about me?"

"No, just curious is all."

"Well like I said earlier. Important business."

"Right." I yawned. "Uggh my feet hurt too much to even walk to my room. I think I'm just gonna sleep on the couch."

"Whatever floats your boat, babe. Doesn't change where I sleep."

Beetlejuice got up from the couch and headed to his room.

"Night Y/N."

"Night Beej."

And with that, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

A Very Juicey Story (Beetlejuice x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now