Chapter 1- A House. A Yard. A Minivan.

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Maybe I wouldn't be here if I hadn't picked up that stupid flyer.

If I hadn't said his name three times.

If I had listened to the Maitlands.

But sadly, I had done the exact opposite of all those things.

And now the suit-clad bio-exorcist stood in front of me.

"You called, babe?"


"Be independant they said. It'll be fun they said."

It was, in fact, not fun to go house hunting, to pack all your belongings into a truck, entrusting those said belongings in the hands of random people, and paying your taxes and bills. Not to mention trying to find a job to help pay those taxes and bills.

So now, I sat in my minivan, in front of the antique house that I had reluctantly decided to buy. And while it wasn't a mansion, it was a house. And it belonged to me.

I got out of my car and walked out onto the front lawn, gazing up at the house.

The movers were still on their way, so it was only me and the fresh fall air. And the house, of course. I had only been in the house one time and my real estate agent had told me one thing.

"The house is lovely but there's a teeny tiny issue."

"What is that?"

"The previous owners died here."

Yes, you heard that right. The previous owners had DIED in this house. The floorboards were so old that they had fallen right through them, ending their lives right then and there. My agent had promised me that if I did in fact buy the house, she would have a construction team replace all the floorboards so that I didn't experience the same fate.

And low and behold, I had bought the house. It was big and cheap, pretty much a steal. Yet, still a fixer-upper, so it had its downsides. I had been handed only one key, a skeleton key, as my agent had put it. She told me it would lock and unlock any door in the house.

I walked up onto the front porch, the key in my hand, my hands shaking. I slipped the key into the lock, turned and click!

I slowly turned the knob and stepped into the dark foyer. I felt around on the wall for a light switch, fumbling in the dark.

I finally found the switch and turned it on. The lights slowly flickered on and I could actually see the room around me. The ceilings were high and the beams keeping the roof up were brand new as were the floorboards, just as I had been promised. And it was completely empty.

"Echo!" I yelled into the empty house. I was answered with a sort of an echo. Now that I was alone, I could finally experience the house the right way.

I pulled out my phone and shoved my earbuds into the headphone jack. I pressed play on my music, and the prologue of Little Shop of Horrors blasted out the earbuds. An empty house is perfect for a musical theatre geek.

In that moment, I performed for myself and myself only. Sliding across the floor, striking poses, belting my favorite lyrics.

All very normal things for a theatre geek to do. I was just living my best life.

Until I was tapped on the shoulder. I jumped and screamed, turning around and failing my arms at the unknown entity.

And that's when I realized, it was someone from the moving team.

"Sorry about the scare, miss. My team and I were just wondering where to put the boxes."

I sheepishly answered "Most of them are labeled, so I can just show you what rooms are what."

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