Chapter 3 - Ghost Zombie Jesus

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"I TAKE IT BACK!" He clamped his hand over my mouth.

"Ok, calm down. Don't scream or you're gonna attract Babs and Adam. And they don't need to know I'm here and visible."

I shoved his hand away from my mouth. "Yes, they do!"

"Why? I'm not hurting anything."

"Not yet, you haven't. Barbara and Adam said you were bad news.".

His face twisted into one of hurt, whether it was real or not, I couldn't tell.

"They said that about me? Fucking dicks. Thought we were friends."

"I doubt you were." I said under my breath.

"Let's not fight about whether or not I'm friends with those deathly boring idiots. Let's get straight to the juicy stuff. Why did you and your cute little tush call me?"

"The author used that term in the first chapter. Geez, creative writing much."

"Shit, you're right. Either way, I'm here and you're the reason why."

"And now you're leaving."

"But I just got here." Beetlejuice groaned.

"Yup, you did. And now you're leaving. Byeeee." I tried to push him out of my bedroom and I successfully did so.

As I went to close the door, he stuck his head in and gave me this puppy dog look.

"I know you're lonely, so just let me stay. Pleaseeee?"

As much as I hated to admit it, he was right.

"Ugghhh. Fine. I will reluctantly let you stay. But if you don't behave, you're out of here." I opened the door and he walked in, making himself comfy on my bed. "Even though I don't know how yet." I whispered to myself.

"So, do I get to stay with you sweet cheeks or what?"

"Absolutely!" His face brightened. "NOT. You can stay in one of the guest rooms. And do not let the Maitlands know you're here."

"They can see me all the time."


"Yeah. We're all dead so why wouldn't they?"

"Ahhh, so you're also a ghost."

"I prefer devilishly handsome demon."

"Demon it is then. So your name is Beetlejuice." He winced as I said his name.

"Yes, but let's not say it unless needed."

"Why? What happens?"



"Seriously hot stuff, stop it." Beetlejuice's green tips began to turn orange.


"Babe, you're gonna do something you'll regret."

"Beeeeee-" I teased.

"You're a bitch."

"I know. So, is that how I get rid of you? I just say you're name three times?"

Beetlejuice pushed his hair back, the tips still orange instead of green.

"Unfortunately, yes. But you wouldn't want to do that, now would you?" He said, smiling wide, his sharp teeth being shown off.

"We'll see." I said, still trying to tease him. "So if I can't call you by your real name, then what do I call you?"


"Fuck that." I thought for a moment. "How about Beej?"

"I still like the name I came up with." Beetlejuice said, his hair returning to its normal green.

"Course you do." I looked at my alarm clock. The time read 11:30. "Wow, would you look at the time. It's time for me to be done talking to you."

"Aww babes, it's cute that you pretend that you hate me.'

"It's not pretending."

"Sure it's not." He smirked once again, before he disappeared with another puff of green smoke.

At least, he was gone for now. While it was nice to have company, I wasn't sure if Beetlejuice should be that company.

Although, he wasn't as bad as the Maitlands had made him seem. Sure, he made inappropriate comments, but that meant he was pretty much on par with most guys I had been friends with.

So in summary, he's not so bad but I hate his company. Glad to know things are making sense.

Even if I wasn't sure how I felt about him, I was sure that this wouldn't be my last encounter with him.

A Very Juicey Story (Beetlejuice x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now