When you hang out part 1

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Its been a two weeks since I last saw Slenderman and I kind of missed him but I was taken out of my thought process when I heard a knock at my door so I jumped off my couch and walked to my front door but as I was walking towards the door I could see out the window it was Slender man and I ran to the door and opened it real quick "Hey!" I said smiling "Hello Y/N how are you?" I smiled and hugged him "I'm better now" I looked up to see his face burning with red "Are you ok slender?Your really red" He looked away and growled at me "What?" I looked at him in confusion "wanna watch a movie?" He nodded and sat on the couch carrying me with his tendrils and sat me on his lap..for the rest of the day we watched phantom of the opera and made jokes..

Jeff the killer

It was about midnight and I've been pretty lonely in the house that I have been staying in with Jeff and decided to watch My Hero Academia I was on season 3 and I couldn't wait to see the handsome Katsuki Bakugou but as I was getting ready to watch it when Jeff came in looking annoyed as usual and I went to the kitchen to grab him some pizza and put it in front of him but he seemed to ignore it "are you ok Jeff?" He just growled and ate the pizza I just hugged him and told him to follow me to the couch and I laid his head on my lap and played with his hair and he just fell asleep in my lap and I couldn't help but blush and smile so I just stared at his open sleeping eyes on my lap..The rest of the night Jeff laid on my lap asleep while I watched My Hero Academia and fell asleep on the last episode..

Ben Drowned

I was relaxing on my couch and about to take a shower when Ben popped out of the TV and sat on my leg "Hey cutie" I rolled my eyes and moved him off my legs "What now?" He frowned at me and pouted "Aw c'mon you missed me too" I just sat there and crossed my arms "You killed me in my game when we first met "Oh..I said I was sorry" He looked at me and gave me pleading eyes and I finally gave in and hugged him and I decided to play Legend of Zelda again without Ben killing me and well I enjoyed it a lot actually I got through the whole game and Ben helped me get through a few stages I couldn't so we just hanged out all day and played video games..


I was heading for my morning stroll again when I saw a familiar yellow hoodie"Hey yellow man" I said walking towards him before sitting next to him on the bench "H-Hey Y/N" I smiled and gave him a side hug "So what are you doing out today?" I asked and he looked at me and I guessed smile "I-I was waiting for you so we could hang out" I smiled and stood up "What are we waiting for then?Let's go!" I said grabbing hoodies hand and dragging him to my favorite places "What's Zaxby's?" I looked at him in pain "Follow me and i'll pay" I said and dragged him inside and I ordered and waited for hoodie "I-I'll have the same thing as her" The cashier smiled and gave me the receipt after I paid and we sat at a table "Its loud in here" I looked at Hoodie and smiled "We'll eat and go"..Basically we ate Zaxby's and chilled the whole day..


I was serving the last plate of cheesecake and then the bell rung which meant another customer and when I looked it was Masky and I smiled in relief "Hey Masky what can I get you now?" He looked at the menu and smiled at me "A regular cheesecake" I smiled and told the chef and he said it be right up "So what are you doing after work?" I stood there to think and shrugged "Nothing really why?" He looked at me and smiled "We are gonna hang out!" He announced proudly "Ok just don't yell or i'll be forced to kick you out" He nodded and left to go sit..After work Me and Masky left and went to my house "Y/N hurry and change so we can go" I rolled my eyes and continued to take my time but then I saw a F/C knee length dress and I instantly grabbed it and put it on with a pair of thigh high boots and then I ran downstairs "I'm done" I said and Masky looked at me and instantly put his mask back on and looked me up and down "Let's go then" Masky said grabbing my hand and we ran out the door..Basically the whole day we just went to a movie and he had to carry me home because I fell asleep..

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