The Proposal..1

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Slender man

You were sleeping until your alarm went off and had to wake up so you could start breakfast but first you had to feed Gabriel so you sat up and looked over to see Slendy asleep peacefully so you kissed his cheek and walked over to Gabriel and woke him up then carried him down stairs and sat him in his booster seat and cooked pancakes and bacon and while the bacon was cooking you fed Gabriel his morning bottle and of course he cried a little like a normal baby and you burped him and he was back to being quiet and you finished breakfast "Morning" You heard Slender say and you turned around and handed him a plate and started getting yours ready "Hey you going out today?" You asked and turned around to see Gabriel and Slender having a Tendril fight and you just laughed at the two and when they finished you already ate all your food and they both look at you "Well no I am free today so I was hoping I could get a babysitter and we could go out" You smiled and nodded "I could call Trender and see if he could take care of Gabriel for a bit" Slender nodded and let you call his brother and of course he said yes he loves Gabriel and you gave Trender a schedule for Gabriel and you two left and just hung out at the beach and you two stayed till the sun began to set..
"This was a nice day" You said laying your head on his shoulder "Yeah but if only something could make it better.." You felt him move and you looked at him to see him getting on one knee "Y/N" You looked at him in shock and stood up and began to cry "Will you marry me?" Your face started to become covered in tears "YES!" You yelled and jumped onto him and hugged him tight "I love you Y/N" You smiled and got off him and let him put the ring on your finger "I love you so much.." You said in tears and he held you tight "I will never leave you"...

Jeff the killer

You heard Jeff yelling on the phone so you went to see why and you walked in to see him on Video Chat with Ben "Jeff?Are you ok?" He looked at you in Shock and hanged up on Ben "Uhh..Yes" He said and it looked like he began to sweat and you looked at him confused and just walked back up stairs to go check on Justice and make sure she was ok and then you heard Jeff yelling again and you assumed that Ben popped thru your TV cause you could hear him too but you ignored the two and grabbed Justice her purple blanket and teddy bear and let her take her afternoon nap so you could enjoy a movie or two..
After a few minutes she was out like a light so you went down stairs and saw Jeff asleep on the floor "Ben must have tired him out" You laughed at the thought of them tiring each other out so you picked up Jeff and layed him on the couch and put a blanket on him and layed next to him and felt him put his arm on you and you let him pull you closer and you two cuddled for a bit till he woke up and you two just stared at each other and you smiled before pushing him off the couch and laughing while sitting up "Bitch" He said in low tone and you sat on him "Yeah--- But you love you" He laughed and pushed you off him "Maybe" You looked at him and pouted "Fine be like that I'll just talk to Justice" He looked at you and laughed "She can't talk yet stupid" You looked at him and mentally smacked yourself "Oh yeah" Jeff laughed and got up to the kitchen "Grab me a pie slice please" You heard him grown and you laughed to yourself  and as he came back he threw the pie on your shirt to which you growled and just picked it up and ate it but you go to take a third bite when something hard gets in your mouth "What the?" You said before taking it out only to see a beautiful silver ring and you look and Jeff and his smile grew wider and he got on his knee and smiled more "Y/N" He said before you started to cry "Will you marry me?" You smiled and hugged him tight "About time Joker reject" You said making both of you laugh "I love you Y/N" You smiled at Jeff and kissed his lips "I love you too"..

Hey Guys its me again so sorry I haven't posted in a while 7th grade is getting interesting but I will be posting two at a time again for these chapters so they're not so long and I wanted to say thank you for 200 reads! And I should probably go to sleep night ya'll!-Author Chan

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