When you/He wants a pet..2

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Tim was sleeping so you deiced to go for a walk when you saw a shadow with an odd shape so of course you went to check it out when you saw a shadow figure but in the shape of a dog and it looked at you with red beating eyes and you smiled at it and it smiled at you "Your the first to smile at me..I grant you to continue to live"  You smiled and walked closer to the dog "You talk..How about you come with me to my house and I'll give you a stake?" You saw as the dogs eyes widen and it smiles at you "That..That would be nice"  You smiled and led him to your house and allowed him on your couch while you prepared his stake and you heard Tim scream and you went running to see him snuggling the dog you found and you smiled "Tim..?" You heard the dog say and you looked at him confused and Tim smiled at the dog "This was my old dog before I became a proxy.." You smiled and tossed the stake at the dog "Well..If he is ok with it we can keep him here" And Tim looked at the eating dog with pleading eyes and the dog nodded and Tim hugged the dog tight and you smiled "He kinda looks like a demon.." You said and Tim looked at you then scratched the back of his neck "Oh great..First a murderer for a boyfriend and now a demon dog" You said but smiled anyway and began to pet the dog to which he liked..

Offender man

You were laying in your bed waiting for Offender to come home from going to kill one of your ex's and while he was out you adopted a cockatoo and you non-stopped played with her and you were about to hop in the shower when you heard the front door open and close so you checked it out to see Offender coming up the stairs and you smiled "Hey I am taking a shower wanna join?" You asked and you heard him running up the stairs and before you knew it you were being kissed all over your neck but then he stopped and looked at the bird "What the hell is that?" You smiled and pet the bird "This is Lucy my new pet bird" You said happily and he nodded and then you blink for a second and you opened your eyes only to see you naked with Offender in the shower and you turned red "Ready?" He asked and you just hid your face into his chest..

Eyeless Jack

You don't want a pet because you're afraid he will eat its kidneys

Laughing Jack

NO!You're scared he will stuff it with candy..

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