chapter 3

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Batgirl Joins The Saints

In the Batcave after tonight's patrol

With the mask off Bruce was sitting in front of the big Batcomputer scrolling through the Visagebook site of the Saints' Leader. He found many pictures of violence and different kinds of excessiveness. He found even a selfie with the dead Penguin.

He had over 100.000 followers. The amount was still small compared to other celebrities like Bruce Wayne who had over 5 million followers. But that a criminal could gain such a fan base was frightening.

His thoughts were interrupted by Barbara aka Batgirl and Robin aka Tim Drake, who just finished a training course. ''What are you looking at? The Saints? Wow cool.'' Tim shouted.

Bruce looked at Tim with narrowed eyes. ''They are not cool. They are criminals.'' He scolded his third protégé.

''Okay, the latter part is true. But they are cool. I can't think of any teenager in Gotham who doesn't want to join the Saints. Gangsters weren't that cool even in the forties'.'' Tim stated excitedly.

''They are a group of misguided people lead by a psychopath. And we have to stop them.'' Batman declared disapprovingly of Tim's statement.

''Come on. Don't we have like a dozen other villains we could fight? Does it have to be them? Maybe they clear the underworld for us of all the other bad guys. They even managed to take out the Penguin. Think about it. Then it would be one good and only one bad gang.'' Tim still defended the Saints.

''You are missing the point, Tim. We exactly have to prevent something like that. A monopole in the crime business in Gotham would be too powerful to deal with for us, even the police wouldn't be able to stop them.'' Batman explained.

''But what do you want to do? Their organization is vast. You can't be everywhere at the same time. Also even if you manage to stop some of their flow you don't know what the leaders of the Saints are planning.'' Barbara chipped in for the first time in this conversation.

''I already thought of that. It also doesn't help that a big chunk of their business takes place during the day and where are many people among them also civilians.'' Batman said more to himself than to his partners.

''How about a spy? I could try to join the Saints, work my way up, and tell you their next moves.'' Batgirl suggested.

''No. Too dangerous. You are the daughter of the police commissioner. What do you think they do to you when they find out?'' Batman immediately dismissed Barbara's idea.

''It is our best shot. I could use a different name. It is not like they will do background checks. I don't think they will be too suspicious. Why should they?'' Batgirl didn't give up.

''I said no.'' Batman gave his final answer and went back to study on the Bat-computer.

Barbara angrily walked towards the exit. Before she could get out she was stopped by Robin. ''We both know you will join the Saints. So between us, if you meet the Leader of the Saints, could you get an autograph for me?'' Robin pleaded. Barbara just smiled and nodded.

One day later at Gotham University

Barbara was a student at Gotham University. She was studying Computer Science and was in her third semester. Although she had good looks she was the target of bullying by a group of pretty girls because of her nerdy subject.

The girls were part of a shallow only female movement within the College. Instead of discussing how to improve the status of women in society, they tried to party all night long and get into fancy clubs. Barbara invoke their wrath when she declined an invitation from them. From that moment on she had become an enemy of their group.

The Dangerous Badass Man(The Saints Of Gotham Male Reader) X Batman(hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now