chapter 9

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Black Mask Defeated

A few days after the clash between Johnny Gat and Batman, Pierce stormed into the room which was occupied by Boss, Shaundi, Gat, and Viola. ''Boss I got great news. We have an opportunity to take out that Black Mask guy. He can't hide anymore if he doesn't want his organization to disband. He is meeting one of his last big business partners discussing their future. The meeting takes place in one hour in a noble hotel called 'Queen's Crown'.'' Pierce reported.

''Finally!'' Boss exclaimed. ''I was looking forward to doing this since his kidnapping stunt.'' Boss declared.

''Gat, Shaundi, gather some guys. Viola, Pierce you are with me.'' Boss ordered. The lieutenants stopped what they were doing and did what Boss told them. Half an hour later Boss and his gang stood in front of the hotel. In total, they were 15 men.

''They have rented three floors, so it is not clear where they are meeting. Luckily, I have a trustworthy man inside. He said that they would meet on the 12th floor, the 11th and 10th are only to confuse possible attackers.'' Pierce explained.

''Look, there they come,'' Shaundi screamed. 4 black limousines arrived at the hotel. Black Mask and a dozen of his guys exited.

''Viola you take four guys and prevent that they can escape on those cars. Shaundi you will take also take four guys. You try to lead their attention to the stairs. Pierce, Johnny, and you two.'' Boss pointed at two Saints. ''You are with me. We will take the elevator and hit them where they will expect it the least.'' Boss explained his plan. The first one to attack would be Shaundi's group then Viola should destroy the cars and lastly Boss would finish the job. Tension in the air the Saints made themselves ready for a fight.

''Senior Black Mask, the Columbians aren't very happy how things are developing in Gotham.'' Paulo Sanchez a deputy of a powerful crime syndicate from Columbian said.

''Just a transitional appearance. I will soon have everything under control.'' Black Mask assured.

''It doesn't seem like it. Many of my allies take into consideration to change partners and work with the Saints.'' Sanchez explained not believing Black Mask.

''They are just a street gang. You can't be serious. They don't even know how to run a syndicate.'' Black Mask started getting frustrated. He couldn't lose this connection as well.

''Their success tells different. They control more of Gotham now than you had in your best times. And they are still rising. My friends predict that you won't be able to maintain an organization in the foreseeable future.'' Sanchez said calmly.

''You dare to cross Black Mask?'' Black Mask asked with an evil voice. He clenched his right fist together.

''No, no, no. We won't betray you. We will just stop our cooperation, that's all.'' Sanchez simply stated.

''Once I am back in business, don't think I will forget your actions. And I am a man of my word.'' Black Mask threatened.

''Senior Black Mask you don't need to-'' Suddenly shots could be heard followed by some explosions.

An underling of Black Mask entered the room. ''Sir, the Saints are attacking us. They already got our cars and are now trying to get access through the stairs.'' He reported.

''Send all units to the stairs. The Saints aren't allowed to leave this place alive.'' Black Mask ordered his men.

''I understand, Sir.'' The man left the room.

''I think we should continue our dialogue some other time.'' Black Mask offered to try to keep his calm.

''There won't be any need for that,'' Sanchez replied. Black Mask frowned when he heard that. Two of Black Mask's best bodyguards entered the room.

The Dangerous Badass Man(The Saints Of Gotham Male Reader) X Batman(hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now